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A library enabling DAG structuring of data processing programs such as ETLs
Noleme Flow
This library provides features enabling DAG structuring of data processing programs such as ETLs.
Implementations found in this package shouldn't be tied to any specific Noleme project.
Note: This library is considered as "in beta" and as such significant API changes may occur without prior warning.
I. Installation
Add the following in your pom.xml
II. Notes on Structure and Design
The core idea behind this library is to structure the program as a DAG of "actions" to perform, then compile that graph into concrete runnable instance which properties will depend on the implementation.
These actions can be of three different types, mirroring an ETL process:
for introducing data into the flow, they would typically be connectors for a variety of data sources -
for manipulating data and returning an altered version of it, or new data inferred from the input -
for dumping data out of the flow
Additionally, there are two actions related to stream flows:
for gradually introducing data into the flow, they can be iterating through aCollection
, reading off anInputStream
or generating data on-the-fly -
for doing the reverse operation, they accumulate all outputs from a stream flow and continue with a standard (ie. non-stream) flow
Once a DAG has been defined, a FlowCompiler
will be responsible for transforming the DAG representation into a runnable instance, a FlowRuntime
At the time of this writing, there are two available implementations:
- the serial
which will run one node after another, making sure each one can satisfy its input - the parallel
which will attempt to run any node that can satisfy its input in a parallel fashion
Once a FlowRuntime
has been produced, we can simply run
III. Usage
First, let us start by the end and have a look at what it can look like "in practice".
Starting with a CSV located at data/my.csv
such that:
Below is a flow that will leverage tablesaw for transforming this local CSV, perform some transformations, and dump it back on the filesystem.
var flow = Flow
.from(new FileStreamer(), "data/my.csv")
.pipe(new TablesawCSVParser(tableProperties)) //tableProperties is a tablesaw-specific configuration classs, don't mind it
.pipe(table -> table.where(t -> t.stringColumn("metadata").isEqualTo("interesting")))
.pipe(table -> table.where(t -> t.booleanColumn("flag").isFalse()))
.sink(new TablesawCSVWrite("data/my-filtered.csv"))
The overarching goal for noleme-flow
is to have a simple yet flexible API that can enable both:
- simplistic scenarios like this one, where ease of use and not being locked-in by a heavy ecosystem is paramount:
aims to remain first and foremost a lightweight library enabling quick drafts - intermediate and complex scenarios joining multiple data-sources where
's main goal shifts towards enabling better code reuse, with the help of noleme-vault for configuration management, by making it easy to bundle flow sequences for reuse into larger flow graphs
Implementations mentioned above can be found over at noleme-flow-connectors.
Going back, here is a very basic example of pipeline we could create:
/* We initialize a flow */
var flow = Flow
.from(() -> 1)
.pipe(i -> i + 1)
.pipe(i -> i * 2)
/* We run it as a Pipeline */
Which, upon running should print 4
Another example:
/* We initialize a flow */
var flow = Flow
.from(() -> 2)
.pipe(i -> i * 2)
/* We branch the flow in two branchs */
var branchA = flow.pipe(i -> i * i);
var branchB = flow.pipe(i -> i * 5);
/* We join the two branchs and collect the end result */
var recipient = branchA
.join(branchB, Integer::sum)
.pipe(i -> i * 2)
var output = Flow.runAsPipeline(flow);
Upon running this should print 72
Now a final example with a stream flow going on:
/* Let's have a "standard" flow doing its thing */
var branch = Flow
.from(() -> 2)
.pipe(i -> i + 1)
/* Create a "stream" flow from a list of integers */
var flow = Flow
.from(() -> List.of(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9))
.pipe(i -> i * i)
.join(branch, (f, b) -> f * b) /* All values in the main flow will be multiplied by the output from the branch flow */
.accumulate(values -> /* Once the generator is exhausted and all stream nodes have run, we gather the output integers and sum them ; note that accumulation is optional (you could also end the stream with a sink) */
.orElseThrow(() -> new AccumulationException("Could not sum data."))
.pipe(i -> i + 1) /* After the accumulation step, the flow is back to being a "standard" flow so we can queue further transformations */
Upon running this should print 856
Note that noleme-flow
itself doesn't provide any Generator
implementation, but the IterableGenerator
class mentioned above is part of the noleme-flow-connect-commons
library (over there).
Other features that will need to be documented include:
- the complete set of DAG building methods (including alternate flavours of
, as well asdriftSink
and the genericinto
) - control-flow with partial DAG interruption (
helpers) - runtime input management (dynamic
and theInput
component) - runtime output management, sampling/collection features (
and theOutput
component) - stream flows and parallelization (
and implementation-specific considerations) - flow slices (
) for flow DAG fragments code reuse -
service executor lifecycle and other considerations - DAG node naming for debugging purposes (appears in traces, logs)
IV. Dev Installation
This project will require you to have the following:
- Java 11+
- Git (versioning)
- Maven (dependency resolving, publishing and packaging)