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my kubernetes applications are not able to reach out to Webhookserver
I deployed a sample python app using below code
@kopf.on.startup() def configure(settings: kopf.OperatorSettings, **_): if os.environ.get('ENVIRONMENT') is None: # Only as an example: settings.admission.server = kopf.WebhookK3dServer(port=54321) settings.admission.managed = 'auto.kopf.dev' else: # Assuming that the configuration is done manually: settings.admission.server = kopf.WebhookServer(addr='', port=8080) settings.admission.managed = 'auto.kopf.dev'
I created a deployment and service and named service a custom_webhook_server_kopf:8080 and my pods are not able to reach out to the webhook server ?
HOw do i make sure my pods are able to connec tto webhook server , I have gone through the documentation but no help
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Hi @mayankkhullar . I've been stuck on getting my admission controller to work too. this issue can help you as it helped me. If there are still some problems I would be happy to help.