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Mitsubishi 4G94 Trigger (modified 4G63)[$100]

Open ElDominio opened this issue 3 years ago • 10 comments

Hey guys, me again

I've been trying to wrap my head around this trigger for the better part of two weeks, but seeing as I haven't been able to code a trigger successfully yet, here I am posting this.

I will include some code I wrote which syncs up ONLY with lite filter activated, and without New Ignition Mode active. While it syncs and apparently reads correctly, once I install spark plugs in the engine, nothing ever works again lol.


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name: Mitsubishi  / NA/NB Miata + MX-5 / 4/2
Desc: TBA
Note: raw.githubusercontent.com/noisymime/speeduino/master/reference/wiki/decoders/4g63_trace.png
Tooth #1 is defined as the next crank tooth after the crank signal is HIGH when the cam signal is falling.
Tooth number one is at 355* ATDC
void triggerSetup_4G63()
  triggerToothAngle = 180; //The number of degrees that passes from tooth to tooth (primary)
  toothCurrentCount = 99; //Fake tooth count represents no sync
  secondDerivEnabled = false;
  decoderIsSequential = true;
  decoderHasFixedCrankingTiming = true;
  triggerToothAngleIsCorrect = true;
  MAX_STALL_TIME = 366667UL; //Minimum 50rpm based on the 110 degree tooth spacing
  if(initialisationComplete == false) { toothLastToothTime = micros(); } //Set a startup value here to avoid filter errors when starting. This MUST have the initi check to prevent the fuel pump just staying on all the time
  //decoderIsLowRes = true;

  //Note that these angles are for every rising and falling edge
  if(configPage2.nCylinders == 6)
    //New values below
    toothAngles[0] = 715; //Rising edge of tooth #1
    toothAngles[1] = 45;  //Falling edge of tooth #1
    toothAngles[2] = 115; //Rising edge of tooth #2
    toothAngles[3] = 165; //Falling edge of tooth #2
    toothAngles[4] = 235; //Rising edge of tooth #3
    toothAngles[5] = 285; //Falling edge of tooth #3

    toothAngles[6] = 355; //Rising edge of tooth #4
    toothAngles[7] = 405; //Falling edge of tooth #4
    toothAngles[8] = 475; //Rising edge of tooth #5
    toothAngles[9] = 525; //Falling edge of tooth $5
    toothAngles[10] = 595; //Rising edge of tooth #6
    toothAngles[11] = 645; //Falling edge of tooth #6

    triggerActualTeeth = 12; //Both sides of all teeth over 720 degrees
    // 70 / 110 for 4 cylinder
    toothAngles[0] = 685; //Falling edge of tooth #1
    toothAngles[1] = 75; //Rising edge of tooth #2
    toothAngles[2] = 145; //Falling edge of tooth #2
    toothAngles[3] = 255; //Rising edge of tooth #1

    toothAngles[4] = 325; //Falling edge of tooth #1
    toothAngles[5] = 435; //Rising edge of tooth #2
    toothAngles[6] = 505; //Falling edge of tooth #2
    toothAngles[7] = 615; //Rising edge of tooth #1

    triggerActualTeeth = 8;

  triggerFilterTime = 1500; //10000 rpm, assuming we're triggering on both edges off the crank tooth.
  triggerSecFilterTime = (int)(1000000 / (MAX_RPM / 60 * 2)) / 2; //Same as above, but fixed at 2 teeth on the secondary input and divided by 2 (for cam speed)
  triggerSecFilterTime_duration = 4000;
  secondaryLastToothTime = 0;

void triggerPri_4G63()
  curTime = micros();
  curGap = curTime - toothLastToothTime;
  if ( (curGap >= triggerFilterTime) || (currentStatus.startRevolutions == 0) )
    validTrigger = true; //Flag that this pulse was accepted as a valid trigger
    triggerFilterTime = curGap >> 2; //This only applies during non-sync conditions. If there is sync then triggerFilterTime gets changed again below with a better value.

    toothLastMinusOneToothTime = toothLastToothTime;
    toothLastToothTime = curTime;


    if( (toothCurrentCount == 1) || (toothCurrentCount > triggerActualTeeth) ) //Trigger is on CHANGE, hence 4 pulses = 1 crank rev (or 6 pulses for 6 cylinders)
       toothCurrentCount = 1; //Reset the counter
       toothOneMinusOneTime = toothOneTime;
       toothOneTime = curTime;
       currentStatus.startRevolutions++; //Counter

    Serial.print("Current tooth: "); Serial.println(toothCurrentCount);

    if (currentStatus.hasSync == true)
      if ( BIT_CHECK(currentStatus.engine, BIT_ENGINE_CRANK) && configPage4.ignCranklock && (currentStatus.startRevolutions >= configPage4.StgCycles))
        if(configPage2.nCylinders == 4)
          //This operates in forced wasted spark mode during cranking to align with crank teeth
         // Serial.println("FORCED WASTE SPARK");
          if( (toothCurrentCount == 1) || (toothCurrentCount == 5) ) { endCoil1Charge(); endCoil3Charge(); }
          else if( (toothCurrentCount == 3) || (toothCurrentCount == 7) ) { endCoil2Charge(); endCoil4Charge(); }
        else if(configPage2.nCylinders == 6)
          if( (toothCurrentCount == 1) || (toothCurrentCount == 7) ) { endCoil1Charge(); }
          else if( (toothCurrentCount == 3) || (toothCurrentCount == 9) ) { endCoil2Charge(); }
          else if( (toothCurrentCount == 5) || (toothCurrentCount == 11) ) { endCoil3Charge(); }

      //Whilst this is an uneven tooth pattern, if the specific angle between the last 2 teeth is specified, 1st deriv prediction can be used
      if( (configPage4.triggerFilter == 1) || (currentStatus.RPM < 1400) )
        //Lite filter
        if( (toothCurrentCount == 1) || (toothCurrentCount == 3) || (toothCurrentCount == 5) || (toothCurrentCount == 7) || (toothCurrentCount == 9) || (toothCurrentCount == 11) )
          if(configPage2.nCylinders == 4)
            triggerToothAngle = 70;
            //triggerFilterTime = (curGap * 3) >> 3;
           // triggerFilterTime = curGap; //Trigger filter is set to whatever time it took to do 70 degrees (Next trigger is 110 degrees away)
          else if(configPage2.nCylinders == 6)
            triggerToothAngle = 70;
            triggerFilterTime = (curGap >> 2); //Trigger filter is set to (70/4)=17.5=17 degrees (Next trigger is 50 degrees away).
          if(configPage2.nCylinders == 4)
            triggerToothAngle = 110;
           // triggerFilterTime = curGap;
            //triggerFilterTime = (curGap * 3) >> 3; //Trigger filter is set to (110*3)/8=41.25=41 degrees (Next trigger is 70 degrees away).
          else if(configPage2.nCylinders == 6)
            triggerToothAngle = 50;
            triggerFilterTime = curGap >> 1; //Trigger filter is set to 25 degrees (Next trigger is 70 degrees away).
      else if(configPage4.triggerFilter == 2)
        //Medium filter level
        if( (toothCurrentCount == 1) || (toothCurrentCount == 3) || (toothCurrentCount == 5) || (toothCurrentCount == 7) || (toothCurrentCount == 9) || (toothCurrentCount == 11) )
          triggerToothAngle = 70; 
          if(configPage2.nCylinders == 4)
            triggerFilterTime = (curGap * 5) >> 2 ; //87.5 degrees with a target of 110
            triggerFilterTime = curGap >> 1 ; //35 degrees with a target of 50
          if(configPage2.nCylinders == 4)
            triggerToothAngle = 110; 
            triggerFilterTime = (curGap >> 1); //55 degrees with a target of 70
            triggerToothAngle = 50; 
            triggerFilterTime = (curGap * 3) >> 2; //Trigger filter is set to (50*3)/4=37.5=37 degrees (Next trigger is 70 degrees away).
      else if (configPage4.triggerFilter == 3)
        //Aggressive filter level
        if( (toothCurrentCount == 1) || (toothCurrentCount == 3) || (toothCurrentCount == 5) || (toothCurrentCount == 7) || (toothCurrentCount == 9) || (toothCurrentCount == 11) )
          triggerToothAngle = 70; 
          if(configPage2.nCylinders == 4)
            triggerFilterTime = (curGap * 11) >> 3;//96.26 degrees with a target of 110
            triggerFilterTime = curGap >> 1 ; //35 degrees with a target of 50
          if(configPage2.nCylinders == 4)
            triggerToothAngle = 110; 
            triggerFilterTime = (curGap * 9) >> 5; //61.87 degrees with a target of 70
            triggerToothAngle = 50; 
            triggerFilterTime = curGap; //50 degrees with a target of 70
        //trigger filter is turned off.
        triggerFilterTime = 0;
        if( (toothCurrentCount == 1) || (toothCurrentCount == 3) || (toothCurrentCount == 5) || (toothCurrentCount == 7) || (toothCurrentCount == 9) || (toothCurrentCount == 11) )
          if(configPage2.nCylinders == 4) { triggerToothAngle = 110; }
          else  { triggerToothAngle = 70; }
          if(configPage2.nCylinders == 4) { triggerToothAngle = 70; }
          else  { triggerToothAngle = 50; }

      //New ignition mode is ONLY available on 4g63 when the trigger angle is set to the stock value of 0.
      if( (configPage2.perToothIgn == true) && (configPage4.triggerAngle == 0) )
        if( (configPage2.nCylinders == 4) && (currentStatus.advance > 0) )
          int16_t crankAngle = ignitionLimits( toothAngles[(toothCurrentCount-1)] );

          //Handle non-sequential tooth counts 
          if( (configPage4.sparkMode != IGN_MODE_SEQUENTIAL) && (toothCurrentCount > configPage2.nCylinders) ) { checkPerToothTiming(crankAngle, (toothCurrentCount-configPage2.nCylinders) ); }
          else { checkPerToothTiming(crankAngle, toothCurrentCount); }
    } //Has sync
    else // has no sync
      triggerSecFilterTime = 0;
      //New secondary method of determining sync
      if(READ_PRI_TRIGGER() == false)
        if(READ_SEC_TRIGGER() == true) { revolutionOne = true; /*Serial.println("REV 1"); */}
        else { revolutionOne = false;}
      else //if pri trigger is TRUE, but we are in a CHANGE primary trigger interrupt
        if( (READ_SEC_TRIGGER() == false) && (revolutionOne == true) ) 
          //Crank is HIGH, cam is low and the crank pulse STARTED when the cam was high. 
          if(configPage2.nCylinders == 4) { toothCurrentCount = 4; } //Means we're at 5* BTDC on a 4G63 4 cylinder
        //  Serial.println("ON TOOTH 4");
          //else if(configPage2.nCylinders == 6) { toothCurrentCount = 8; } 
        //If sequential is ever enabled, the below toothCurrentCount will need to change:
        else if( (READ_SEC_TRIGGER() == true) && (revolutionOne == true) ) 
          //Crank is HIGH, cam is high and the crank pulse STARTED when the cam was high. 
         // Serial.println("ON TOOTH 8");
          if(configPage2.nCylinders == 4) { toothCurrentCount = 8; } //Means we're at 5* BTDC on a 4G63 4 cylinder
          else if(configPage2.nCylinders == 6) { toothCurrentCount = 2; currentStatus.hasSync = true; } //Means we're at 45* ATDC on 6G72 6 cylinder
  } //Filter time

void triggerSec_4G63()
  //byte crankState = READ_PRI_TRIGGER();
  //First filter is a duration based one to ensure the pulse was of sufficient length (time)
  //if(READ_SEC_TRIGGER()) { secondaryLastToothTime1 = micros(); return; }
  if(currentStatus.hasSync == true)
  //1166 is the time taken to cross 70 degrees at 10k rpm
  //if ( (micros() - secondaryLastToothTime1) < triggerSecFilterTime_duration ) { return; }
  //triggerSecFilterTime_duration = (micros() - secondaryLastToothTime1) >> 1;

  curTime2 = micros();
  curGap2 = curTime2 - toothLastSecToothTime;
  if ( (curGap2 >= triggerSecFilterTime) )//|| (currentStatus.startRevolutions == 0) )
    toothLastSecToothTime = curTime2;
    validTrigger = true; //Flag that this pulse was accepted as a valid trigger
    //addToothLogEntry(curGap, TOOTH_CAM);

    triggerSecFilterTime = curGap2 >> 1; //Basic 50% filter for the secondary reading
    //More aggressive options:
    //triggerSecFilterTime = (curGap2 * 9) >> 5;
    //triggerSecFilterTime = (curGap2 * 6) >> 3;

    //if( (currentStatus.RPM < currentStatus.crankRPM) || (currentStatus.hasSync == false) )
    if( (currentStatus.hasSync == false) )

      triggerFilterTime = 1500; //If this is removed, can have trouble getting sync again after the engine is turned off (but ECU not reset).
      triggerSecFilterTime = triggerSecFilterTime >> 1; //Divide the secondary filter time by 2 again, making it 25%. Only needed when cranking
      //if(READ_PRI_TRIGGER() == true)
      if(READ_PRI_TRIGGER() == false)
        if(configPage2.nCylinders == 4)
          if(toothCurrentCount == 3) { currentStatus.hasSync = true; /*Serial.println("SYNC ON TOOTH 3");*/ } //Is 8 for sequential, was 4
        else if(configPage2.nCylinders == 6) 
          if(toothCurrentCount == 7) { currentStatus.hasSync = true; }

        if(configPage2.nCylinders == 4)
          if(toothCurrentCount == 8) { currentStatus.hasSync = true;/*Serial.println("SYNC ON TOOTH 8");*/ } //Is 5 for sequential, was 1
        //Cannot gain sync for 6 cylinder here. 

    //if ( (micros() - secondaryLastToothTime1) < triggerSecFilterTime_duration && configPage2.useResync )
    if ( (currentStatus.RPM < currentStatus.crankRPM) || (configPage4.useResync == 1) )
      if( (currentStatus.hasSync == true) && (configPage2.nCylinders == 4) )
        triggerSecFilterTime_duration = (micros() - secondaryLastToothTime1) >> 1;
        if(READ_PRI_TRIGGER() == true)
          //Whilst we're cranking and have sync, we need to watch for noise pulses.
          if(toothCurrentCount != 7) 
            // This should never be true, except when there's noise
            currentStatus.hasSync = false; 
            //Serial.print("FAILED SYNC ON TOOTH: ");Serial.println(toothCurrentCount);
          else { toothCurrentCount = 7; } //Why? Just why?
      } //Has sync and 4 cylinder 
    } // Use resync or cranking
  } //Trigger filter

uint16_t getRPM_4G63()
  uint16_t tempRPM = 0;
  //During cranking, RPM is calculated 4 times per revolution, once for each rising/falling of the crank signal.
  //Because these signals aren't even (Alternating 110 and 70 degrees), this needs a special function
  if(currentStatus.hasSync == true)
    if( (currentStatus.RPM < currentStatus.crankRPM)  )
      int tempToothAngle;
      unsigned long toothTime;
      if( (toothLastToothTime == 0) || (toothLastMinusOneToothTime == 0) ) { tempRPM = 0; }
        tempToothAngle = triggerToothAngle;
        toothTime = (toothLastToothTime - toothLastMinusOneToothTime); //Note that trigger tooth angle changes between 70 and 110 depending on the last tooth that was seen (or 70/50 for 6 cylinders)
        toothTime = toothTime * 36;
        tempRPM = ((unsigned long)tempToothAngle * 6000000UL) / toothTime;
        revolutionTime = (10UL * toothTime) / tempToothAngle;
        MAX_STALL_TIME = 366667UL; // 50RPM
      tempRPM = stdGetRPM(720);
      //EXPERIMENTAL! Add/subtract RPM based on the last rpmDOT calc
      //tempRPM += (micros() - toothOneTime) * currentStatus.rpmDOT
      MAX_STALL_TIME = revolutionTime << 1; //Set the stall time to be twice the current RPM. This is a safe figure as there should be no single revolution where this changes more than this
      if(MAX_STALL_TIME < 366667UL) { MAX_STALL_TIME = 366667UL; } //Check for 50rpm minimum

  return tempRPM;

int getCrankAngle_4G63()
    int crankAngle = 0;
    if(currentStatus.hasSync == true)
      //This is the current angle ATDC the engine is at. This is the last known position based on what tooth was last 'seen'. It is only accurate to the resolution of the trigger wheel (Eg 36-1 is 10 degrees)
      unsigned long tempToothLastToothTime;
      int tempToothCurrentCount;
      //Grab some variables that are used in the trigger code and assign them to temp variables.
      tempToothCurrentCount = toothCurrentCount;
      tempToothLastToothTime = toothLastToothTime;
      lastCrankAngleCalc = micros(); //micros() is no longer interrupt safe
      crankAngle = toothAngles[(tempToothCurrentCount - 1)] + configPage4.triggerAngle; //Perform a lookup of the fixed toothAngles array to find what the angle of the last tooth passed was.
      //Estimate the number of degrees travelled since the last tooth}
      elapsedTime = (lastCrankAngleCalc - tempToothLastToothTime);
      crankAngle += timeToAngle(elapsedTime, CRANKMATH_METHOD_INTERVAL_TOOTH);

      if (crankAngle >= 720) { crankAngle -= 720; }
      if (crankAngle > CRANK_ANGLE_MAX) { crankAngle -= CRANK_ANGLE_MAX; }
      if (crankAngle < 0) { crankAngle += 360; }
    return crankAngle;

void triggerSetEndTeeth_4G63()
  if(configPage2.nCylinders == 4)
    if(configPage4.sparkMode == IGN_MODE_SEQUENTIAL) 
      ignition1EndTooth = 8;
      ignition2EndTooth = 2;
      ignition3EndTooth = 4;
      ignition4EndTooth = 6;
      ignition1EndTooth = 4;
      ignition2EndTooth = 2;
      ignition3EndTooth = 4; //Not used
      ignition4EndTooth = 2;
  if(configPage2.nCylinders == 6)
    if(configPage4.sparkMode == IGN_MODE_SEQUENTIAL) 
      //This should never happen as 6 cylinder sequential not supported
      ignition1EndTooth = 8;
      ignition2EndTooth = 2;
      ignition3EndTooth = 4;
      ignition4EndTooth = 6;
      ignition1EndTooth = 6;
      ignition2EndTooth = 2;
      ignition3EndTooth = 4;
      ignition4EndTooth = 2; //Not used

  lastToothCalcAdvance = currentStatus.advance;

Here's a trace using composite logger: image

And here are some tooth and composite logs:


As always this will have a bounty attached. Thanks for the help!

ElDominio avatar Mar 31 '21 07:03 ElDominio

You could get a better idea of what did you modify by taking a look at the files changed I created for the code you provide, please take a look at https://github.com/sisco0/speeduino/commit/4d66914922d6061af677396d69ee97864d0e4720.

I could summarize the tasks you got to do:

  1. You modified toothAngles array.
  2. You added some debugging information (Serial.println and Serial.print).
  3. You removed triggerFilterTime variable.
  4. You modified triggerToothAngle.
  5. You modified some conditions, replacing true by false.

The modified conditions are like READ_PRI_TRIGGER, these are inverted for some reason. There is some part of the code that talks about noise. Is this relevant for us? You modified the number there as well.

Please take care of reading the diff at the commit referenced before and see if it makes sense for your purpose. I would be happy to help you.

sisco0 avatar Apr 02 '21 03:04 sisco0

The primary triggers are inverted, as seen on the provided trace, that's why I flipped them.

I included the code sto see if it was useful to anyone wanting to code for it. Filters were removed so I could see what the crank was actually doing.

ElDominio avatar Apr 02 '21 04:04 ElDominio

@ElDominio Could you send me a mail to siscomagma at gmail dot com so we could arrange a call for getting more information about the current problem had? I would be happy to contribute.

sisco0 avatar Apr 02 '21 08:04 sisco0


nuosu avatar Apr 11 '21 11:04 nuosu

Fab thanks. That's all I need to update my code that's working in principle against a guessed pattern.

mike501 avatar Apr 11 '21 20:04 mike501

I've updated ardustim to do this pattern. I've been working on too many patterns at the same time so my source code control has got a bit lax and this also includes 3a92 fix, 4b11 and 4g94. (as well as a random Subaru pattern!)


Also due to working on too many patterns i'm confusing 4g94 and 4b11. Its 4b11 i have code working in principle. I'll look at 4g94 over the next few days. Looking at the pattern I'll aim to reuse 4g63 but put a different cam trigger pattern to trigger on the second smaller tooth (so always on the second cycle).

mike501 avatar Apr 13 '21 20:04 mike501

Turns out you can't use 4g63 as is due to it having a tight coupling to the cam in its original form. New version of crank written and debug in process (it works but I'm not happy with ignition timing accuracy currently)

mike501 avatar Apr 18 '21 12:04 mike501

It's also slightly different angles.

We decided to adapt a 4g63 trigger on this car to make it run.

ElDominio avatar May 29 '21 17:05 ElDominio

Hey guys, I did the 4g93 trigger, which is also different from this.

I'm attaching my modified decoder and init, secondary trigger need to be changed to rising. 4g93 try to figure out 4g93triggerfiles.zip

Keep in mind, I overwrote the 4G63 trigger to make it work, so I can't just simple merge it lol I'll try to work on 4G94 next

ElDominio avatar Sep 13 '21 23:09 ElDominio

first i apologize for my english . but would you like to understand is the 4g63 decoder different from the 4g64? because I use speduino in an engine of my Pajero shogun (Tr4 in Brazil) 2.0 engine 4g94 with the 4g93 decoder, and the start is really unstable sometimes the engine does not start making it necessary to turn the ignition on and off so that the engine can set the cycle. Could this be because I'm using the wrong decoder or is it some error coming from the 4g63 decoder? thank you so much.

josielbairros avatar Dec 18 '21 12:12 josielbairros

eldomino is your fork working this decoder? i have a lancer 4g92 sohc that probably uses this decoder

eduardocerqueirasilva avatar Nov 09 '22 17:11 eduardocerqueirasilva