flask-restplus copied to clipboard
Params doc
It's possible to give options for the operation? Something like this:
I'm using restplus but I can't put default values as documentation on the Swagger portal
My code is like this
from flask import Blueprint, url_for, request
from flask_restplus import Resource, Api, fields, reqparse
from services.domain.logic.CommonLandUnitLogic import CommonLandUnitDataLogic
# Fix of returning swagger.json on HTTP
def specs_url(self):
The Swagger specifications absolute url (ie. `swagger.json`)
:rtype: str
return url_for(self.endpoint('specs'), _external=False)
Api.specs_url = specs_url
common_land_unit_blueprint = Blueprint('common_land_unit_blueprint', __name__)
api = Api(common_land_unit_blueprint,
title='Common Land Unit (CLU)',
description='Common land unit data')
namespace = api.namespace('common-land-unit', description='Common Land Unit operations')
@namespace.response(404, 'Common Land Unit operation not found')
404: 'Common Land Unit operation not found'
class CommonLandUnitApi(Resource):
coordinate = api.model('coordinate', {
'type': fields.String(readOnly=True, description='Geometric type', example='Polygon'),
'coordinates': fields.List(fields.List(fields.List(fields.Float(readOnly=True, description='Geolocation point',
get_querystring = api.model('cool')
@namespace.marshal_list_with(coordinate, code=200, description='Success')
201: 'Success',
400: 'Missing parameter',
403: 'Insufficient permissions',
500: 'Internal failure',
'south': 'South point of location',
'west': 'West point of location',
'north': 'North point of location',
'east': 'East point of location'
def get():
parser = reqparse.RequestParser()
parser.add_argument('south', required=True, help='South point cannot be blank.')
parser.add_argument('west', required=True, help='West point cannot be blank.')
parser.add_argument('north', required=True, help='North cannot be blank.')
parser.add_argument('east', required=True, help='East point cannot be blank.')
parser.add_argument('south', type=float, help='South point cannot be converted.')
parser.add_argument('west', type=float, help='West point cannot be converted.')
parser.add_argument('north', type=float, help='North cannot be converted.')
parser.add_argument('east', type=float, help='East point cannot be converted.')
args = parser.parse_args()
south = args.get("south")
west = args.get("west")
north = args.get("north")
east = args.get("east")
return CommonLandUnitDataLogic.get_coordinates(south=south, west=west, north=north, east=east)
Yes, I am also wondering why I am not able to add description
for Query Parameters.
There is no even argument for this.
But Swagger support description for Query Parameters.