google-home-notifier copied to clipboard
Managed to install without MDNS / found a bug in main-script
Hello Noel, this is a great node I was looking for a long time! Thank You for sharing! It took me a while to install it on a synology-nas without mdns. If in docker or natively installed, mdns is not possible to run on a synology. You should generate a branch without mdns, since it it used only to get the ip-adress of the google-home-device (I could provide the changes of package.json and the main script to do so, You should know, how to do it - just ask me...).
Bug in google-home-notifier.js
Since I am german, I would like to talk google home in german, but it is ignoring the language.
When You initialize with
var language = 'de';
googlehome.ip('', language);
the language argument is not recognized by the main script.
I had to change in google-home-notifier.js
var ip = function(ip) {
deviceAddress = ip;
return this;
var ip = function(ip, lang = 'de') {
deviceAddress = ip;
language = lang;
return this;
Now it talks in the given language or default 'de' in my case.
Interesting... when I tried language = 'ca'; .. the google home spoke my notification in German...
But why? While in google-home-notifier.js
var ip = function(ip) {
it ignores the language variable at all...?!
I have no idea... that's just what happened (I was quite amused when my "Hey Google give me a status report" answered me in German). I've since set it back to no language, and it is happily making announcements in an American accent... anyone know what the language code would be for Canadian?