learn-you-a-haskell-exercises copied to clipboard
rotate's solution is `rotate n l = drop n l ++ take n l` this doesn't take into account rotations larger than the length of the list. occurrences of `n`...
Adding solutions for chapter 12 "A Fistful of Monads"
`combineLists other Empty = other` isn't needed: in case the second list is empty, it'll be pattern matched against `combineLists (Value v rest) other` and go on in this way...
I wasn't sure whether this is an out-of-place comment or a hint to solve the problem. Adding the word `hint: ` might alleviate this confusion.
- Adds solution to power. - Simplifies fib. - Makes stepReverseSign more readable by using pattern matching. - Fix: adds second argument to stepReverseSign on piCalc'
In line 66, there is no argument for step in the call to stepReverseSign. I propose hardcoding the integer 2.