Could you try to deactivate and then reactivate the plugin and try again? It appears that the plugin's tables have gone missing.
@deonvisser This issue is fixed in v5.3. Please upgrade and let me know if this issue persists.
@jirkafree This is because of the way one of the dependent libraries work. It seems to need access to a /tmp directory.
There is no solution you can implement, I will have to modify the Swift library.
@Zaknarus Thanks for pointing this out. A cursory check in google translate checks out. I'll update the same.
@sigibi Could you post the screenshot of what you see - the screen where you add a new message.
@chria321 Do you have a URL where this can be seen?
A check can be added such that unconfirmed emails longer than, say 60 days, are automatically deleted. I'll see what I can do.
By notifications you mean blog post deliveries? On Tue, Dec 25, 2012 at 3:00 AM, Tina [email protected] wrote: > I have WP-Autoresopnder setup on a client website. It was sending...