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feat: HTTP/2 support

Open szmarczak opened this issue 3 years ago • 3 comments


  • [x] PoC is working
  • [ ] unref session when 0 pending streams, ref on stream\
  • [ ] ...

szmarczak avatar Sep 01 '21 00:09 szmarczak

Maybe would be better to target @jasnell's node http3/quic branch? I'm not too comfortable with node core http2. https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/38233

ronag avatar Sep 01 '21 05:09 ronag

@ronag what's the issue with the core node HTTP/2?

espoal avatar Sep 01 '21 05:09 espoal

@ronag what's the issue with the core node HTTP/2?


ronag avatar Sep 01 '21 05:09 ronag