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parallel/test-runner-coverage is flaky
Windows ARM64
Console output
duration_ms: 22940.912
exitcode: 1
severity: fail
stack: "\u25B6 test coverage report\n \u2714 handles the inspector not being available\
\ (2.0866ms)\n\u2714 test coverage report (3.7218ms)\n\u25B6 test tap coverage reporter\n\
\ \u2714 coverage is reported and dumped to NODE_V8_COVERAGE if present (577.1212ms)\n\
\ \u2714 coverage is reported without NODE_V8_COVERAGE present (851.508ms)\n\u2714\
\ test tap coverage reporter (1429.2218ms)\n\u25B6 test spec coverage reporter\n\
\ \u2714 coverage is reported and dumped to NODE_V8_COVERAGE if present (1419.2938ms)\n\
\ \u2716 coverage is reported without NODE_V8_COVERAGE present (1175.4346ms)\n\
\ AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: The expression evaluated to a falsy value:\n\
\n assert(!findCoverageFileForPid(\n\n at TestContext.<anonymous>\
\ (d:\\workspace\\node-test-binary-windows-js-suites\\node\\test\\parallel\\test-runner-coverage.js:147:5)\n\
\ at Test.runInAsyncScope (node:async_hooks:211:14)\n at\
\ (node:internal/test_runner/test:930:25)\n at Test.start (node:internal/test_runner/test:829:17)\n\
\ at TestContext.test (node:internal/test_runner/test:313:20)\n at\
\ TestContext.<anonymous> (d:\\workspace\\node-test-binary-windows-js-suites\\node\\\
test\\parallel\\test-runner-coverage.js:138:11)\n at async (node:internal/test_runner/test:931:9)\n\
\ at async Test.processPendingSubtests (node:internal/test_runner/test:629:7)\
\ {\n generatedMessage: true,\n code: 'ERR_ASSERTION',\n actual:\
\ false,\n expected: true,\n operator: '=='\n }\n\n\u2716 test spec\
\ coverage reporter (2595.3945ms)\n\u2714 single process coverage is the same with\
\ --test (689.0507ms)\n\u2714 coverage is combined for multiple processes (625.1439ms)\n\
\uFE63 coverage works with isolation=none (0.3688ms) # SKIP\n\u25B6 coverage reports\
\ on lines, functions, and branches\n \u2714 does not include node_modules (0.316ms)\n\
\ \u2714 reports on function coverage (0.1952ms)\n \u2714 reports on branch coverage\
\ (0.2506ms)\n \u2714 reports on line coverage (0.2479ms)\n\u2714 coverage reports\
\ on lines, functions, and branches (550.3549ms)\n\u2714 coverage with source maps\
\ (577.2805ms)\n\u2714 coverage with source maps missing sources (411.9635ms)\n\u2714\
\ coverage with ESM hook - source irrelevant (600.2435ms)\n\u2714 coverage with\
\ ESM hook - source transpiled (607.2523ms)\n\u2714 coverage with excluded files\
\ (304.553ms)\n\u2714 coverage with included files (302.6345ms)\n\u2714 coverage\
\ with included and excluded files (285.25ms)\n\u2714 properly accounts for line\
\ endings in source maps (398.9005ms)\n\u2714 correctly prints the coverage report\
\ of files contained in parent directories (454.1338ms)\n\u2139 tests 25\n\u2139\
\ suites 0\n\u2139 pass 22\n\u2139 fail 2\n\u2139 cancelled 0\n\u2139 skipped 1\n\
\u2139 todo 0\n\u2139 duration_ms 9856.4836\n\n\u2716 failing tests:\n\ntest at\
\ test\\parallel\\test-runner-coverage.js:138:11\n\u2716 coverage is reported without\
\ NODE_V8_COVERAGE present (1175.4346ms)\n AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: The\
\ expression evaluated to a falsy value:\n\n assert(!findCoverageFileForPid(\n\
\n at TestContext.<anonymous> (d:\\workspace\\node-test-binary-windows-js-suites\\\
node\\test\\parallel\\test-runner-coverage.js:147:5)\n at Test.runInAsyncScope\
\ (node:async_hooks:211:14)\n at (node:internal/test_runner/test:930:25)\n\
\ at Test.start (node:internal/test_runner/test:829:17)\n at TestContext.test\
\ (node:internal/test_runner/test:313:20)\n at TestContext.<anonymous> (d:\\\
\ at async (node:internal/test_runner/test:931:9)\n at async\
\ Test.processPendingSubtests (node:internal/test_runner/test:629:7) {\n generatedMessage:\
\ true,\n code: 'ERR_ASSERTION',\n actual: false,\n expected: true,\n \
\ operator: '=='\n }"
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