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Add list of non C language bindings to Node.js doc

Open mhdawson opened this issue 2 years ago • 8 comments

There are a few non-c language bindings. Would be good to add a list to the Node.js core docs so that people know they can use other languages in addition to C/C++

mhdawson avatar Jun 17 '22 15:06 mhdawson

@NickNaso can you add the ones that you are aware of to this issue?

mhdawson avatar Jun 17 '22 15:06 mhdawson

This is where we think adding would make sense - https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v18.x/docs/api/n-api.html

mhdawson avatar Jun 17 '22 15:06 mhdawson

Here some Node-API binding of non C language:

NickNaso avatar Jun 21 '22 08:06 NickNaso

Nick will:

  1. create new page in abi-stable-node repo which lists the bindings
  2. PR in a link to that page in the Node.js core API documentation

mhdawson avatar Sep 23 '22 15:09 mhdawson

We discussed on the 7 Oct Node API meeting, is it possible to document a list of other Node API JavaScript engine bindings as well? Documentation pages for:

  • Node API bindings for other languages
  • Node API bindings for other engines

KevinEady avatar Oct 07 '22 15:10 KevinEady

Here's another project: https://github.com/jasongin/napi-dotnet

It is also experimental and incomplete. Compared to napi-cs this allows for much simpler and more natural C# code, with automatic exporting of public properties, methods, and classes. I'm not sure I'll spend a lot more time on it unless others find it useful.

jasongin avatar Nov 16 '22 00:11 jasongin

We discussed in the 9 Dec Node-API meeting, @NickNaso has created the documentation on this repo and will create the PR on Node core linking to it next week.

KevinEady avatar Dec 09 '22 16:12 KevinEady

@NickNaso is working to describe how it's possible for these wrappers/integrations to work based on c calling convention etc. This will helps others create new wrappers but is also more work and will take more time.

mhdawson avatar Apr 21 '23 15:04 mhdawson

@NickNaso would it be worthwhile to close this issue and create a new one for documenting how to create a new wrapper? I think the scope of this issue is different.

KevinEady avatar Mar 22 '24 15:03 KevinEady

@KevinEady yes I'm closing the issue and will open new one about how to create a wrapper.

NickNaso avatar Mar 24 '24 12:03 NickNaso