code-snippet-sharing icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
code-snippet-sharing copied to clipboard

Simple Pastebin-like CRUD app with a kitchen sink load of support features/tools. May contain useful full-stack app creation nuggets ๐Ÿซ๐ŸŒŸ and Wiki are under construction ๐Ÿ‘ท๐Ÿšง๐Ÿ—๏ธ

Table of contents

  • Origin story
  • App feature outline
  • Notable project features
  • The stack
  • Environment variables
  • Development
    • Requirements
    • Setup and processes
    • Useful command summary
  • Deployment

Origin story

Hey there, welcome to the code-snippet-sharing project! It started as an attempt to create a full-stack setup based on the SvelteKit framework by creating a simple CRUD app. But I've enjoyed working with this stack so much, that the project quickly transformed into a kitchen sink regarding to the usage of supporting libraries and services. I still actively use it to experiment with SvelteKit and learn/test new tools (e.g. web analytics, error tracking, logging, monitoring, alerting).

When I was a less experienced dev, I always yearned for encountering a real-world example of a full-stack app with a complete support tooling setups (e.g. for unit tests, E2E tests, linting, CI/CD). CodebaseShow โ€“ RealWorld Example Apps initiative is very useful for taking inspiration regarding meeting common functional requirements, but it does not meet my requirements regarding the support tooling. I guess, in the end, I've created what I wanted myself :)

This project is a total overkill as an example of a simple CRUD app... But I think its individual parts/features or how they come together may prove useful to others (e.g. how to unit test SvelteKit app, how to create a Playwright E2E setup), so I've decided to publish it and document some stuff regarding it on a Wiki. Dig in and explore the codebase or Wiki at your pleasure (and risk)!

App feature outline


  • Sign in / Sign up via Google Sign in (anyone can create an account)
  • Sign out

View all existing code snippets

  • Available to all users (signed-in or signed-out)
  • Filtering (current user)
  • Sorting (creation date)
  • Pagination

View code snippet's details

  • Available to all users (signed-in or signed-out)

Create code snippet

  • Available only to signed-in users

Edit code snippet

  • Available only to code snippet's author

Delete code snippet

  • Available only to code snippet's author
  • Soft delete

Notable project features

๐ŸŽญ E2E testing via Playwright for main happy paths
๐ŸŒ API testing via Playwright API testing for main happy paths
๐Ÿงช Unit tests via Vitest and Svelte testing library
๐Ÿ”„ CI/CD using GitHub Actions and Northflank Pipelines
๐Ÿงน Comprehensive linting setup
๐Ÿš€ Deployment via Northflank
๐Ÿณ Ability to easily run the whole stack locally with different Dockerization levels
๐Ÿ“ Centralized app config
๐ŸŽจ Centralized design token management
โš™๏ธ Client works even without enabled JavaScript (with some exceptions)
๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Maintenance mode enabled during deployments
๐Ÿ”€ Smart redirects for signed-in/sign-out states
๐Ÿ“ข Standardized user notifications
๐Ÿšซ Comprehensive global error handling
๐Ÿ›‘ Configured graceful server shutdown
๐Ÿฉบ Includes healthcheck API endpoint
๐Ÿ“ Responsive app UI
๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป Useful VSCode settings and extensions
๐Ÿ’ฌ A lot of helpful comments in the codebase

See Notable features Wiki page for more details.

The stack

See The stack Wiki page for more details.

Environment variables

See .env.template.

Development only

Used by Vite and Docker Compose.

Development and production

Build only

    • Sentry org slug
    • Can be found in "Organization Settings" in the Sentry app
    • Used to upload source maps for both server and client builds to Sentry via a Vite plugin
    • Optional
    • Sentry project slug
    • Used to upload source maps for both server and client builds to Sentry via a Vite plugin
    • Optional
    • Sentry auth token
    • Can be found in "Auth tokens" in the Sentry app
    • Used to upload source maps for both server and client builds to Sentry via a Vite plugin
    • Optional

Backend only

    • Enables maintenance mode (redirects all routes to /maintenance)
    • true to enable, anything else to disable
    • Database connection string used by Prisma
    • Must be defined
    • Used for authentication with Google OAuth 2
    • Must be defined
    • Used for authentication with Google OAuth 2
    • Must be defined
    • Where to redirect user after successful Google OAuth 2 authentication
    • Must be defined
    • Minimal log level to display
    • Optional
    • Values: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal
    • Default: info
    • Whether to show debug context information in logs
    • Optional
    • Values: true to enable, anything else to disable
    • Default: empty
    • Whether to output HTTP access logs
    • Optional
    • Values: true to enable, anything else to disable
    • Default: empty

Backend and Frontend

    • Used for authenticating Posthog event requests
    • Optional
    • Find value in the related Posthog project
    • URL where to send Posthog events
    • Optional
    • E.g. for EU region
    • Environment associated with sent Sentry requests
    • Environments
    • Optional
    • Possible values
      • localhost for local development
      • staging for staging environment
      • production for production environment
    • Sentry organization slug (not name)
    • Optional
    • Sentry project ID (number, not name)
    • Optional




  • Node.js (see package.json for the minimum recommended version)
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose


  • Create and fill out values in .env.local and .env.playwright files
    • See Environment variables section and .env.template file
    • NOTE: .env.*.secret files serve the repository author's needs only ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • npm ci
  • npm run playwright:install:browsers
  • npm run playwright:install:dependencies

Setup and processes

See Development โ€ Setup and processes Wiki page for more details.

Useful command summary

General development commands

  • npm run dev
    • Runs PostgreSQL via Docker Compose and app outside of it via vite dev
    • Database is automatically migrated
    • Seeds are not applied
  • scripts/stack/local/infra/stack-only/migrate.js for migrating already running PostgreSQL container
  • ./scripts/stack/local/infra/stack-only/seed.js for applying seeds
    • Apply seeds

Run unit tests

  • npm run test:unit:node for server tests
  • npm run test:unit:dom for client tests
  • Add :coverage suffix for generating coverage report

Run API/E2E tests

  • ./scripts/stack/local/infra-app/playwright/api/ui.js for running API tests in UI mode
  • ./scripts/stack/local/infra-app/playwright/e2e/ui.js for running E2E tests in UI mode


  • npm run lint:fix for running all linters and fixing auto-fixable linting errors


See Deployment โ€ Setup and processes Wiki page for more details.