node-red-debugger copied to clipboard
Long string impossible to analyse
Current Behavior
A long string payload can not be view
Expected Behavior
At least copy it with the button made for that but it only take the extract you see
Steps To Reproduce
default behavior
Example flow
Just a long string in inject node with the debug activate on it
- node-red-debugger version:
- Node-RED version:
- Node.js version:
- npm version:
- Platform/OS:
- Browser:
This is a known limitation. We do not send the full payload to the editor otherwise it could easily overwhelm the browser. Nor do we hold onto the payloads in the runtime just in case some wants to copy the value.
First, i can not put it on the first message but thanks for your great work. I start codding with your soft and that enjoy my life a lot now. I code some app with angular and ionic with pure code after that and i still use node-red like my base. It's realy fun to have that for everyone. I wana thank you to start this things and the other contributors. So keep going :)
Ok, i use node-red for a long time a go and i always manage that problem in a different way because in the debug message in the debug bar you have lot more than in the flow debugger tab. Can you just increase the size in the flow debug bar to have the same size than in the message debug bar? I wanna explain a little more why i want that. I think the flow debugger is realy powerfull, i do not use it at the start. Yes use your soft before you create it and the habits are hard to change:). I start a new big project and i start to use it. At this point i think i can clarify the flow a lot by reduce the usage of the debug node. But the size of the payload string is realy an issue because even for small stuff in the flow debuger you can't see what you want like in the debug node. I just think, since the flow debug is running step by step, you must have less chance to overhelm the browser no? What do you think about that?
An other thing. I notice we don't have monaco editor with the browser capability. It's logical since we operate in the backend. But with the ui-template we operate in the front-end but you can't have the "neested" language with monaco. So i have create a server that provide monaco with the samples/browser-amd-editor they provide. Two things surprise me.
First i have access to manaco with browser feature without nothing to do. Second that work on mobile.
I had buttons to open and save a file deliver by the backend and it's realy pratical. That leverage a big issue and make life realy easy because on low hardware like my orangepi you can forget vscode is too big:). Morehover
I try quickly to serve it with a http node but i facing issues. Same with an integration in the dashboard. I see the implementation of monaco in node-red is realy great we have snippet and all of that. Can you tell me how i can use all the works you do with the implementation of monaco to provide a myip1880/monaco-editor ?
Thank you again and sorry for the english.