qn icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
qn copied to clipboard

Another qiniu http://docs.qiniu.com/api/ API client for Node.js.


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Another qiniu API client for Node.js.


$ npm install qn --save



var qn = require('qn');

var client = qn.create({
  accessKey: 'your access key',
  secretKey: 'your secret key',
  bucket: 'your bucket name',
  origin: 'http://{bucket}.u.qiniudn.com',
  // timeout: 3600000, // default rpc timeout: one hour, optional
  // if your app outside of China, please set `uploadURL` to `http://up.qiniug.com/`
  // uploadURL: 'http://up.qiniu.com/',

// upload a file with custom key
client.uploadFile(filepath, {key: 'qn/lib/client.js'}, function (err, result) {
  // {
  //   hash: 'FhGbwBlFASLrZp2d16Am2bP5A9Ut',
  //   key: 'qn/lib/client.js',
  //   url: 'http://qtestbucket.qiniudn.com/qn/lib/client.js'
  //   "x:ctime": "1378150371",
  //   "x:filename": "client.js",
  //   "x:mtime": "1378150359",
  //   "x:size": "21944",
  // }

// upload a stream
client.upload(fs.createReadStream(filepath), function (err, result) {
  // {
  //   hash: 'FvnDEnGu6pjzxxxc5d6IlNMrbDnH',
  //   key: 'FvnDEnGu6pjzxxxc5d6IlNMrbDnH',
  //   url: 'http://qtestbucket.qiniudn.com/FvnDEnGu6pjzxxxc5d6IlNMrbDnH',
  //   "x:filename": "foo.txt",
  // }

// you also can upload a string or Buffer directly
client.upload('哈哈', {key: 'haha.txt'}, function (err, result) {
  // hash: 'FptOdeKmWhcYHUXa5YmNZxJC934B',
  // key: 'haha.txt',
  // url: 'http://qtestbucket.qiniudn.com/haha.txt',

// xVariables
client.upload(filepath, { 'x:foo': 'bar' }, function (err, result) {
  // hash: 'FptOdeKmWhcYHUXa5YmNZxJC934B',
  // key: 'foobar.txt',
  // url: 'http://qtestbucket.qiniudn.com/foobar.txt',
  // x:foo: 'bar'


var token = client.uploadToken();

or with options

  • scope
  • deadline
var token = client.uploadToken({
  deadline: utility.timestamp() + 10

### Download

// download to Buffer
client.download('foo.txt', function (err, content, res) {
  // content is a Buffer instance.
  console.log('content size: %d', content.length);

// save as url
var url = client.saveAsURL('qn/test/dl/foo.txt', '哈哈foo.txt');
// http://qtestbucket.qiniudn.com/qn/test/dl/foo.txt?download/%E5%93%88%E5%93%88foo.txt

### RS Operations

// stat
client.stat('foo.txt', function (err, stat) {
  // fsize: 8,
  // hash: 'FvnDEnGu6pjzxxxc5d6IlNMrbDnH',
  // mimeType: 'text/plain',
  // putTime: 13783134309588504

// move
client.move('foo.txt', 'qn/bar.txt', function (err) {


// copy
client.copy('foo.txt', 'qn/bar.txt', function (err) {


// delete
client.delete('foo.txt', function (err) {


// list
client.list('/', function (err, result) {
  // marker: 'eyJjIjowLCJrIjoicW4vYmlnLnR4dCJ9'
  // items: [
  //   {
  //     fsize: 21944,
  //     putTime: 13783144546186030,
  //     key: 'qn/logo.png',
  //     hash: 'FvzqAF1oWlYgQ9t62k_xn_mzZ1Ki',
  //     mimeType: 'image/png'
  //   }, ...
  // ]

### Image operations

// imageInfo
client.imageInfo('qn/logo.png', function (err, info) {
  // { format: 'png', width: 190, height: 150, colorModel: 'nrgba' }

// exif
client.exif('qn/logo.png', function (err, exif) {


// imageView
var url = client.imageView('qn/logo.png', {mode: 1, width: 100, height: 100, q: 50, format: 'png'});
// http://qtestbucket.qiniudn.com/qn/logo.png?imageView/1/w/100/h/100/q/50/format/png

// imageMogr
var url = client.imageMogr('qn/fixtures/gogopher.jpg', {
  thumbnail: '!50p',
  gravity: 'NorthWest',
  quality: 50,
  rotate: -50,
  format: 'gif'
// http://qtestbucket.qiniudn.com/qn/fixtures/gogopher.jpg?imageMogr/v2/auto-orient/thumbnail/!50p/gravity/NorthWest/quality/50/rotate/-50/format/gif

// watermark
var url = client.watermark('qn/logo.png', {
  mode: 2,
  text: 'Node.js 哈哈',
  font: '宋体',
  fontsize: 500,
  fill: 'red',
  dissolve: 100,
  gravity: 'SouthEast',
  dx: 100,
  dy: 90
// http://qtestbucket.qiniudn.com/qn/fixtures/gogopher.jpg?watermark/2/text/Tm9kZS5qcyDlk4jlk4g=/font/5a6L5L2T/fontsize/500/fill/cmVk/dissolve/100/gravity/SouthEast/dx/100/dy/90

### Document Operations

// markdown to html
var url = client.md2html('qn/test/fixtures/readme.md', {
  css: 'http://qtestbucket.qiniudn.com/qn/test/fixtures/github.css'
// http://qtestbucket.qiniudn.com/qn/test/fixtures/readme.md?md2html/0/css/aHR0cDovL3F0ZXN0YnVja2V0LnFpbml1ZG4uY29tL3FuL3Rlc3QvZml4dHVyZXMvZ2l0aHViLmNzcw==


* [x] RS Operations
* [ ] HTTP Keep-alive
* [x] Image Operations
* [ ] Media Operations
* [x] Doc Operations
* [ ] Pipeline Operations
* [x] QR code Operations

## License