danger-checkstyle_format copied to clipboard
Danger plugin for checkstyle formatted xml file.
In case `` is missed reports are not published
- Expected: The file name (loaded from the `checkstyle.xml` report) gets converted from an absolute to a relative path and a *Github inline comment* will be published. - Actual: The...
Hi there, thanks for this danger plugin, it's very useful to me. I made some changes to make it possible to send summary comments as well as send comments based...
As a user I'm interesting in this plugin but the existing information isn't enough to understand whether I need this plugin or I'm not. On the main page I see...
Update Ruby and gems for #11. * Ruby * Add .ruby-version * Update Ruby 3.2.0 * Update Bundler 2.4.17 * Update Danger 9.3.1 * rubocop * Update rubocop 1.54.2 *...
Ruby 3.2.0 Danger 9.3.1 danger-checkstyle_format 0.1.1 --- Error: There is an error when running Danger + danger-checkstyle_format. ``` bundler: failed to load command: danger (/home/runner/work/.../vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/bin/danger) /home/runner/work/.../vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/ox-2.14.1/lib/ox.rb:79:in `require': (Danger::DSLError) [!] Invalid...