Jason Song
Jason Song
I think we could encourage the use of English by replying with English for new issues first. Also, we could enforce the use of English in code comments and git...
There are 2 aspects: 1. login with all kinds of providers 2. implement [UserService](https://github.com/ctripcorp/apollo/blob/master/apollo-portal/src/main/java/com/ctrip/framework/apollo/portal/spi/UserService.java) for all kinds of providers
I think with JustAuth, login is easy with all kinds of providers. But I don't see how we could implement [UserService](https://github.com/ctripcorp/apollo/blob/master/apollo-portal/src/main/java/com/ctrip/framework/apollo/portal/spi/UserService.java) for all kinds of providers, e.g. search users
> There are 2 aspects: > > 1. login with all kinds of providers > 2. implement [UserService](https://github.com/ctripcorp/apollo/blob/master/apollo-portal/src/main/java/com/ctrip/framework/apollo/portal/spi/UserService.java) for all kinds of providers @GeorgioWan I think this proposal is still...
I think it's reasonable, @vdisk-group what do you think?
这个接口应该没有通过open api提供,不过admin service是有的,可以参考一下portal是如何展示发布历史的
感谢建议 1. 第一,提供编译好的发行版,让我可以 用java -jar就能跑的起来,这就要求配置文件编译后可修改。 apollo目前提供的就是编译好的发行版,参见[releases](https://github.com/ctripcorp/apollo/releases),而且配置都是可以修改的(借助于spring boot的机制,config目录下的文件或-D参数) 2. 内置一个nosql:key-value数据库,为的就是不再依赖mysql,这样的话更方便软件的使用操作。 这是一个很好的建议,不知是否有好的实现方式可以推荐一下?
I think the better solution is to support assigning permissions to roles directly, see #2178