Jason Song

Results 317 comments of Jason Song

This looks like a bug, would you please help to provide the duplication scenario?

I'm not sure what's the actual scenario that caused this issue as the `prototype` bean case should have been tested before. So it would help a lot if you could...

Spring Data Jpa can do that, but it is risky to me since the mysql account would have ddl permissions...

Currently, [apolloconfig.com](apolloconfig.com) refers to the latest version of the [docs](https://github.com/apolloconfig/apollo/tree/master/docs) folder. By supporting multiple versions of documentation, users could switch to different versions of the docs folder, e.g. when user...

> > > > Maybe we need to create version folder in docs and to put different versions of the files in the corresponding version folder. @nobodyiam Currently, this seems...

> generate the version folder during CI rather than commit them to the git repo directly. It will be best to do so during CI as this is the most...

There is a proposal in docsify that apollo uses to render the sites: https://github.com/docsifyjs/docsify/issues/1289. However, there doesn't seem to be any progress...

主要的问题是担心 spring.application.name/server.port 这些值被远端配置覆盖掉? 这个是否还是取决于用户的实际使用情况?一般情况用户不会配置,如果配置的话,是否要看下用户的意图是希望 apollo 的生效还是代码中的生效?

> SpringBoot项目不存在这个问题 Spring Boot 项目为啥不存在这个问题?spring.application.name/server.port 这些值也是可以配置的

感谢详细的说明,单独抽离一个项目`spring-cloud-config-apollo`的话,是指用户引入这个项目后,就不配置`apollo.bootstrap.xxx`等配置,而改为直接启用 spring cloud config apollo 的配置? 另外,spring cloud 2020.0 开始已经默认[禁用 bootstrap](https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-release/wiki/Spring-Cloud-2020.0-Release-Notes#breaking-changes)了,这块是否会有啥影响?