sexhack icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sexhack copied to clipboard

cool block game mod

tracker is for hwid stuff btw, it never actually got used since i am dumb


- SexHack is a private utility mod for crystal pvp and anarchy servers for 1.12.2.

installation guide


- Download the jar from releases or build the client then drag the jar into .minecraft/mods

- Launch Forge 1.12.2 and you are finished!

building the client

run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace build in command prompt.

**- Incase you are using this in a dev environment - **

- run gradlew setupDecompWorkspace genIntellijRuns idea build on the cmd prompt. (intellij idea)

notable features

- Auto Sex : A really easy to config AutoCrystal, somewhat good for high pingers like me.

- FakePlayer : Have an option to make it poppable.

- Elytra Fly : A somewhat working elytrafly, have only been tested in


- TrvsF : Wurst+ 2 base

- Perry : cleaning up most of my china code

- a lot of clients : skidding lol

- cool peoples : (u know who u are <3) : being ogs, testing out all of my chinas code. absolutely loved y'all (no homo)

cool peoples list

- Rimmerdall_ : dude is a legend, tested out all of my modules. been there since day 1 of the client development (dude got a voice reveal by me)

- Renascent : same with Rimmerdall_, but he left anarchy already and pursued on hypixel. Still a legend tho (me and rim tracked him down to hy lol)

- IhavEyes : a boomer who is always drunk and made fuck tons of out of context. prob not a she

- Sm0key_ : a really nice guy i met on my time, not an og. but he tested a lot of modules and is always nice to chill with (dude got a voice reveal by me)

- Glassa : one of the peoples (same with ihav, smokey and rim) who actually know how to pvp on auscpvp & auscrystal

- Perry : he did not test any modules at all but cleaned up all of my codes so i put him here lol (use perry phobos)

- Tolon : actually know how to pvp, obliterate me in downunder fight. i make cool gui for his client.

- derpyjibs : leaked the first build of sexhack 😡 but he is the cool guy

- bush : does this even need an explanation?

srsly , this is a really bad software.