Perry-Phobos-Leaked-Buildable icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Perry-Phobos-Leaked-Buildable copied to clipboard

A buildable source of master7720's Perry's Phobos.

[ Perry's Phobos - Buildable Source ]

  • @notperry12345678902's Phobos Edit, .jar file leaked by master7720.

[ Credits ]

  • Vaimok/Perry-Phobos-Pwned
  • master7720/PERRY-PHOBOS-NEW
  • _bush_did_711 - Approving that I am allowed to do this (perry pls don't kill me its an old leak ok) D:

[ Stuff I used ]

(just incase someone wants to know idk why)

  • CFR - Decompiler
  • Minecraft Deobfuscator 3000 - Deobfuscate Minecraft's obfuscated class
  • IntelliJ - IDE

sorry perry

also this source is legit terrible, i recommended using it as more of a reference :).