rest-gradle-plugin copied to clipboard
org/_10ne/gradle/rest/RestTask : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring root project 'Tom'.
Could not open no_buildscript class cache for build file 'C:\Users\fabricio\Desktop\Gradle\Tom\build.gradle' (C:\Users\fabricio.gradle\caches\2.2.1\scripts\build_6iriy6v5ja1rt2fnd68x0n5xk\ProjectScript\no_buildscript). org/_10ne/gradle/rest/RestTask : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Gradle 2.3
Build time: 2015-02-16 05:09:33 UTC Build number: none Revision: 586be72bf6e3df1ee7676d1f2a3afd9157341274
Groovy: 2.3.9 Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.3 compiled on December 23 2013 JVM: 1.6.0_37 (Sun Microsystems Inc. 20.12-b01) OS: Windows NT (unknown) 6.2 amd64
gradle check [buildinfo] Properties file path was not found! (Relevant only for builds running on a CI Server) :compileJava UP-TO-DATE :compileGroovy UP-TO-DATE :processResources UP-TO-DATE :classes UP-TO-DATE :compileTestJava UP-TO-DATE :compileTestGroovy UP-TO-DATE :processTestResources UP-TO-DATE :testClasses UP-TO-DATE :test > Configure and execute a request FAILED groovy.lang.MissingMethodException at RestTaskSpec.groovy:58 > Configure and execute a preemptive authentication request FAILED groovy.lang.MissingMethodException at RestTaskSpec.groovy:94 > Configure and execute a request with a custom header FAILED groovy.lang.MissingMethodException at RestTaskSpec.groovy:132 > Configure and execute a request using a proxy FAILED groovy.lang.MissingMethodException at RestTaskSpec.groovy:162 groovy.lang.MissingMethodException at RestTaskSpec.groovy:162
6 tests completed, 4 failed :test FAILED
You are using an older version of the jdk. Your best best is to git clone
this project, then build it (gradle wrapper ; ./gradlew build
) yourself.
Then put something like this in your build.gradle
buildscript {
// repositories ...
dependencies {
// other dependencies...
classpath fileTree(dir: '../rest-gradle-plugin/build/libs', include: ['*.jar'])
... or install into your mavenLocal()
Pull request #19 adds compatibility with older Java versions
I'm having the same problem.
The error mesage is:
org/_10ne/gradle/rest/RestTask : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
When will the pull request #19 be released?
Released version 0.4.2 with pull requests #19 and #21