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Enhanced HTML R documentation

Project Status: Suspended - Initial development has started, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release; work has been stopped for the time being but the author(s) intend on resuming work.

htmlhelp: Fancier R help files

This package allows you to use raw HTML in your R-help files. Currently experimental / pre-alpha.




htmlhelp has no exported functions. It has macros for use in your .Rd files or roxygen comments.

To use these macros in your package, include htmlhelp under the field RdMacros: in your DESCRIPTION

To put raw HTML in your help file, use

\html{'<p>SOME RAW HTML</p>'}

The macro arguments are treated as R expressions so quote the raw HTML. You may use an R expression, but note that it will run each time the user brings up the help file, not when the files are compiled, so be wary of anything with significant run time.

You may also insert HTML from a file with


The file should be placed in inst/doc. Note that if you load assets in html, they should be placed in inst/doc and referred to in the HTML source as ../doc/filename.html. Images should go in man/figures and referred to as figures/filename.png.

(Note that you can insert figures without this package with base R's \image{} macro. See Writing R Extensions)

Right now the raw HTML shows up in other help file formats. You may want to use the \if{html} macro to avoid this.

Other macros included so far are \stylesheet{}, which will replace the help CSS file with one included in inst/doc, and addstylesheet{}, which just adds another stylesheet on top of the base one (useful for styling additional html you add). You may refer to stylesheet via URL in addstylesheet{}.

There are definitely limitations to R help's httpd server. I found that, while running from RStudio, I could not embed iframes with external sources, nor was I able to submit a HTML form data. It can run Javascript.

Please fork, PR, comment in the issues, do whatever you want with this, etc. I'd love to see your experiments


A more elaborate macro is included as an example of usage. \feebackfooter{}{} adds a footer to the help file that includes a rating system via, and links to file an issue about the function and to function's in a github repo. It takes as the first argument the repo (e.g., 'noamross/htmlhelp'), and as the second the path to the function (e.g., 'R/myfile.R).

To see this in action, install the package and run ?hello. See R/hello.R for usage. Please click so we can see how well the rating system works!

You can use this but don't count on the ratings lasting for your function, as right now I'm using a temporary free acount.

The Guts

See man/macros/macros.Rd and R/macros.R for how the package works. Essentially it overrides tools::Rd2HTML() behavior of escaping special HTML characters in .Rd files.

Oh, when working on this it may be useful to turn on RStudio's debugger mode, which allows one to inspect elements by right-clicking, like a browser developer mode. To do this on OSX, use

defaults write org.rstudio.RStudio WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true

I'm not sure how to activate it on other systems.