yuu copied to clipboard
Abema Response: {"message":"slot not found"}
This is what I got:
yuu download https://abema.tv/channels/payperview-1/slots/9dY92hKWLKAyR9 [INFO] Starting yuu v1.2.3... 2020-07-08 03:22:50 yuu -- [INFO]: Starting yuu v1.2.3... 2020-07-08 03:22:50 urllib3.connectionpool -- [DEBUG]: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): pastebin.com:443 2020-07-08 03:22:50 urllib3.connectionpool -- [DEBUG]: https://pastebin.com:443 "GET /raw/Bt3ZLjfu HTTP/1.1" 200 None 2020-07-08 03:22:50 yuu -- [DEBUG]: Using proxy: None [INFO] AbemaTV: Fetching temporary user token 2020-07-08 03:22:50 yuu -- [INFO]: Fetching temporary user token 2020-07-08 03:22:50 yuu.abematv.AbemaTV -- [DEBUG]: Generated Device UUID: 549f4174-a22a-403f-bcc7-9ecee3b1494e 2020-07-08 03:22:50 yuu.abematv.AbemaTV -- [DEBUG]: Secret Key: Bywkiie0UbjkGBihrlSE_ECkGl6slc8HBgKM01VrqRQ 2020-07-08 03:22:50 yuu.abematv.AbemaTV -- [DEBUG]: Generated applicationKeySecret: Bywkiie0UbjkGBihrlSE_ECkGl6slc8HBgKM01VrqRQ 2020-07-08 03:22:50 yuu.abematv.AbemaTV -- [DEBUG]: Sending json data 2020-07-08 03:22:50 urllib3.connectionpool -- [DEBUG]: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): api.abema.io:443 2020-07-08 03:22:51 urllib3.connectionpool -- [DEBUG]: https://api.abema.io:443 "POST /v1/users HTTP/1.1" 200 318 2020-07-08 03:22:51 yuu.abematv.AbemaTV -- [DEBUG]: Data sent, getting token 2020-07-08 03:22:51 yuu.abematv.AbemaTV -- [DEBUG]: User token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkZXYiOiI1NDlmNDE3NC1hMjJhLTQwM2YtYmNjNy05ZWNlZTNiMTQ5NGUiLCJleHAiOjIxNDc0ODM2NDcsImlzcyI6ImFiZW1hLmlvL3YxIiwic3ViIjoiRGNudlVQRG9ROU5nU3MifQ.VklxE5qQ4Q5_kGgVd0pFpi_yXPOVl9bLGGRd5A-t1jU [INFO] AbemaTV: Parsing url 2020-07-08 03:22:51 yuu -- [INFO]: Parsing url 2020-07-08 03:22:51 yuu.abematv.AbemaTV -- [DEBUG]: Requesting data to Abema API 2020-07-08 03:22:51 urllib3.connectionpool -- [DEBUG]: https://api.abema.io:443 "GET /v1/media/slots/9dY92hKWLKAyR9 HTTP/1.1" 404 28 [ERROR] AbemaTV: Abema Response: {"message":"slot not found"} 2020-07-08 03:22:51 yuu.abematv.AbemaTV -- [ERROR]: Abema Response: {"message":"slot not found"} [ERROR] AbemaTV: Error occured when communicating with Abema (Response: 404) 2020-07-08 03:22:51 yuu -- [ERROR]: Error occured when communicating with Abema (Response: 404)
Please help the video will become invalid in 2 days.
Running into a similar issue. I think payperview links are using some different APIs/patterns.
I'm able to pass through this error by grabbing the m3u8 link from chrome inspect and hardcode the url. However, I'm running into issues afterwards like the video key after summing up with STRTABLE is even larger than 2^128 then the decryption fails.
I think the tool doesn't support payperview yet.