csv2keychain copied to clipboard
Vice versa support?
I'd like to do Safari –> Chrome. Would that be possible too?
Try chrome://flags/#PasswordImport
uhh so what now?
Hello there. Thanks for the idea, I'll try to implement it as soon as I'll have some free time :)
I would also like support for this. I want to switch to Brave, but it doesn't support Keychain.
Once you figure out importing passwords from the keychain, is there any reason why Brave couldn't be patched to use keychain?
I have over 200 web form passwords in keychain
OK, so I'm looking at this again and it's a real PITA.
You can't access "Local items" passwords via the security app.
You can't export "Local items" passwords from the cached local keychain.
All relevant data is stored in some undocumented .db file format.
The only method I've seen to do this, thus far, is to:
- Make a keychain
- Unset the password to the Local items
- Copy & paste the passwords, which requires hitting "OK" a few hundred times to grant access (alternatively use an automator script found here https://github.com/lifepillar/CSVKeychain)
- Export THESE items into an XML then convert to CSV or some shit
- Massage data for Brave to import.
All this is yet untested by me.
This really is a missing feature in Mac OS. If I ever wrestle my passwords out of the Keychain, I'm never letting them have them ever again!
Note: once you have the items in a .keychain file, you can use the security command from that point forward if you want, but I think it can only export to XML IIRC.