see https://github.com/dtolnay/cxx/issues/1195#issuecomment-1473033203 and https://github.com/rust-lang/cargo/issues/8919#issuecomment-735909489 " This is currently expected behavior in Cargo. Cargo links the native libraries to the Rust library but then doesn't link them to the binary, assuming...
I got the same problem: https://github.com/dtolnay/cxx/issues/1247. It seems like it is an easy found problem, but I don't know how to tune it to work.
Now I move the bridge code into the lib.rs, and change the build.rs from "cxx_build::bridge("src/main.rs")" to "cxx_build::bridge("src/lib.rs")", it works.
Add "l static=cxxbridge-demo" to lib crate is not the proper way, it still doesn't work if the cpp code in a extern cpp lib. So just remember: only one crate...
maybe you guys can try my fork: https://github.com/nneesshh/astyle-extension, fo vs2022 only.
https://github.com/nneesshh/astyle-extension/commit/bfad5e3113d3c24ca6026dbf7595898f867c8be4 @Amaroker You can try again. I don't know vsct well,I just search the text from your pic and fixed the vsct and guid, haha...
you can try my fork: https://github.com/nneesshh/astyle-extension, fo vs2022 only
Support vs2019 is easy, just unzip the vsix file and modify the extension.vsixmanifest. Increase the version range from "Version="[12.0,15.0)">" to "Version="[12.0,17.0)">"
压测数据怎么样?对比 https://github.com/BenzzzX/Dots 优势在哪里啊?
my own use:https://github.com/nneesshh/protoc-gen-lua53, only for 5.3