hi,@Guard13007, I change the lapis source to achieve the feature,here is my hack code: [lapis.zip](https://github.com/leafo/lapis/files/2144200/lapis.zip) It works for me
this project is as good as "actboy168"'s vscode-lua-debug, and more powerful with luajit debug. Hope it grow more powerful day by day
Thank you vecy much, @kentonv, "joinPromisesFailfast" is what I expected. I will try to use kj::joinPromises before 0.7, it also can solve my requirements if I force my task won't...
Hi, @kentonv, I use the kj::joinPromises but I can't compose an arry of kj::Promise. I write code like this: "auto p1 = ...; auto p2 = ...; auto arr =...
yes @kentonv , I got it now. I just missed the comment of heapArrayBuilder, many thanks to you.
See https://github.com/dtolnay/cxx/issues/1083#issuecomment-1222542362
and here is my full project: [hello_cxx.zip](https://github.com/dtolnay/cxx/files/12066541/hello_cxx.zip)
Finally I move the bridge code into the lib.rs, and change the build.rs from "cxx_build::bridge("src/main.rs")" to "cxx_build::bridge("src/lib.rs")", it works. It should be a purposely design because there is no way...
Add "l static=cxxbridge-demo" to lib crate is not the proper way, it still doesn't work if the cpp code in a extern cpp lib. Is there a rule says that...