F1C100s_projects copied to clipboard
Low-level libraries and bare metal projects for allwinner F1C100s SOC
Bare metal libraries and projects for Allwinner F1C100s/F1C200s SOC
Libraries and tools
_arm926_ - Various ARMv5-related headers
_drivers_ - Low-level peripheral drivers. Currently work-in-progress:
- f1c100s_clock - Clock controller (CCU)
- f1c100s_intc - Interrupt controller
- f1c100s_gpio - GPIO, external interrupts
- f1c100s_timer - Timers, watchdog
- f1c100s_pwm - PWM outputs
- f1c100s_uart - 16550-compatible UART
- f1c100s_de - Display Engine (TCON, DEBE, DEFE)
- f1c100s_tve - Undocumented TV(CVBS) encoder
- f1c100s_tvd - Undocumented TV(CVBS) decoder
_lib_ - Miscellaneous non hardware-related libraries
_tools_/mksunxi - A tool to add checksum to eGON.BT0 header. Taken from xboot project
All projects are targeted for Lichee Nano devboard with 800x480 LCD.
- hello_led - Yet another LED blinking project
- simple_loader - Very simple second-stage loader for booting bare metal apps from SPI flash
- lcd_test - Example of display driver usage with simple graphics library
- LVGL_demo - Demonstration project of LVGL library
- tv_out_test - Test project for TVE driver
- tv_in_test - Test project for TVD driver
More projects will be added later.
Required tools (Windows)
- Eclipse Embedded CDT
- xPack Package Manager
- Windows Build Tools (Install with xPack)
- arm-none-eabi-gcc (Install with xPack)
For debugging:
- Any OpenOCD-compatible JTAG adapter (I'm using FT2232)
- MicroSD to JTAG adapter board (pinout) (DIY adapter PCB project for DipTrace)
- OpenOCD for Windows
- OpenOCD configuration file
- Simple DRAM initialization program in SPI flash (for example, simple_loader project). Also, you can use U-Boot SPL with disabled SD card support (not tested yet)
With U-Boot
- Copy <project_name>.bin file to SD card
- Run it with the following commands:
fatload mmc 0:1 80000000 <project_name>.bin
go 80000000
With simple_loader
- Compile simple_loader project
- Use mksunxi tool to fix eGON.BT0 header in simple_loader.bin
- Flash simple_loader.bin to SPI flash at offset 0, using U-Boot or FEL mode
- Compile your project with -DLOAD_HEADER option (enabled by default in all projects)
- Flash your code to SPI flash at offset 0x10000