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Try out changing R0 in the future_om_list
Thanks @rwildermuth for trying out some different specifications for changing recruitment regimes. Trying to make R0 time varying did not work, and I think this is a bug.
template_mod_change <- create_future_om_list(example_type = "model_change")
rec_dev_specify <- template_mod_change[[1]]
rec_dev_specify$pars <- "rec_devs"
rec_dev_specify$scen <- c("replicate", "all")
rec_dev_specify$input <- data.frame(first_yr_averaging = NA, #rep(datfile$styr, 1),
last_yr_averaging = NA, #rep(2019, 1),
last_yr_orig_val = c(2019, 2024),
first_yr_final_val = c(2020, 2025),
ts_param = c("sd", "mean"),
method = c("absolute", "additive"),
value = c(1.25, -1))
Does not work:
template_mod_change <- create_future_om_list(example_type = "model_change")
rec_dev_specify <- template_mod_change[[1]]
rec_dev_specify$pars <- c("SR_LN(R0)")#, "SR_regime_BLK1repl_2000")
rec_dev_specify$scen <- c("replicate", "all") # note: could change this to c("random", "all") if did not want to replicate the same recdevs sequences across scenarios
rec_dev_specify$input <- data.frame(first_yr_averaging = NA, #rep(datfile$styr, 1),
last_yr_averaging = NA, #rep(2019, 1),
last_yr_orig_val = rep(2024, 1),
first_yr_final_val = rep(2025, 1),
ts_param = rep("mean", 1),
method = rep("absolute", 1),
value = c(15.3516))#, -2.25458))