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Improving Machine Reading Comprehension with General Reading Strategies

Reading Strategies

Status: Archive (code is provided as-is, no updates expected).


We re-implement the original core code that was finished at Tencent AI Lab (Bellevue). We have tested the code and made sure the code has the same performance to the original one reported in the paper.

If you find this code useful, please cite the following paper.

  • Improving Machine Reading Comprehension with General Reading Strategies (arXiv)
  title={Improving Machine Reading Comprehension with General Reading Strategies},
  author={Sun, Kai and Yu, Dian and Yu, Dong and Cardie, Claire},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the NAACL-HLT},
  address={Minneapolis, MN},


You can follow the instructions below to train models for RACE.

  • Get necessary files
    1. Go to code and create a folder named data in it.
    2. Download RACE from, unzip it to code/data/ so that the training, development, and testing sets are in code/data/RACE/train, code/data/RACE/dev, and code/data/RACE/test, respectively.
    3. Execute python to generate race_train.json, race_dev.json, and race_test.json in code/data.
    4. Execute python to generate race_train.json, race_dev.json, and race_test.json in code/cloze.
    5. Download pre-trained language model from, and copy the model folder model to code/.
  • Train a model with the original input sequence (i.e., [dq$o] where d, q, o represent document, question, and answer option, respectively, and [, $, ] represent start token, delimiter token, and end token, respectively).
    1. Execute python --submit --n_iter 1 --data_dir cloze/ to fine-tune the original pre-trained model on the automatically generated cloze questions.
    2. Execute python --submit --n_iter 5 --resume to fine-tune the model to RACE dataset with 5 training epochs.
  • Train a model with the reverse input sequence (i.e., [o$qd])
    1. python --submit --n_iter 1 --data_dir cloze/ --submission_dir submission_oqd/ --save_dir save_oqd/ --log_dir log_oqd/.
    2. python --submit --n_iter 5 --resume --submission_dir submission_oqd/ --save_dir save_oqd/ --log_dir log_oqd/.
  • Get the accuracy on the test set of each single model and the ensemble model.
    1. python


  1. You may want to specify --n_gpu (e.g., 8) and --n_batch (e.g., 1) based on your environment.
  2. There is randomness in both cloze question generation and model training, so you may want to run multiple times to choose the best model based on development set performance. You may also want to set different seeds (specify --seed when running


The code has been tested with Python 3.6/3.7, Tensorflow 1.4, and Tesla P40.

Other Useful Code

You can refer to this repository for a finetuned transformer baseline based on BERT.