moonraker-telegram-bot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
moonraker-telegram-bot copied to clipboard

[BUG] The bot is SUPER agressive when it cant hit moonraker

Open simpat1zq opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

What happened and in what context?

So I was doing updates and I updated telegram to the latest version and that went fine. Then I updated moonraker and it had some issues I had to work through. And while it was down, telegram sent me a message letting me know. It seemed like the messages were at least every 30 seconds, maybe a little faster. It might be a good idea to just limit it to one message when it doesn't connect. Or at least once every 30 minutes or so.

If needed, paste the relevant bot log contents here.

No response

If needed, paste the relevant bot journal contents here.

No response

What branch does this occur on?


Reports only on latest master or development branches!

  • [X] I have updated to latest development/master version before submitting the bug

simpat1zq avatar Mar 10 '22 11:03 simpat1zq

This is something which definately will need some attention in the next release

aka13-404 avatar May 05 '22 11:05 aka13-404