
Results 15 comments of nldenic

i have also unlbock de dll files. now see this error: A constructor was not found. Cannot find an appropriate constructor for type Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.OAuthCredentials.

Dear i did unblock the dll. I don't have ews installed in my laptop 😁. Do you have an link to download? Current link is not working.

Thank you i will check. Else i will add it like an app in Azure. Maybe its good to do that. Maybe you can write also that in your Readme...

Thank you i will install that also and let see if thats works. It will realy be nice if it works in azure without EWS. Like this option Do...

@grahamr975 I have now do the following steps: Installed EWS 2.2 on my laptop export my Exchange online admin credentials to an Cred file. Created an bat file with following...

@grahamr975 The problem looks solves for the normal method. So i have delete -ModernAuth ^ and run my bat file again. It is working. But does that means my admin...

> @nldenic if the script works without -ModernAuth, that means basic authentication is still enabled within your environment. In order for modern auth to work, you'll need to bypass MFA...

@grahamr975 For now its working on my on-premise server without the -ModernAuth because this is enabled. For now i am just working on it to let it work with modernauth...

> Thank you very much for your tips and time. > > I have created an Azure-AD app using the [tutorial]( and have customized the function in the Get-GALContacts.ps1 script....

Thank you for your reply. Than i will create first the Application in azure and follow this steps. Than will change the ps1 files and see if that works. The...