Nicola Talbot
Nicola Talbot
What happens if you try running the following from the command prompt? ``` datatooltk --merge Word refs.dbtex --output entries.dbtex --csv entries.csv --sort Word --noconsole-action gui --filter Used eq 1 ```
Try editing `datatooltk.bat` replacing `javaw` with `java` and rerun the `datatooltk` command.
I'm sorry, I can't speak Hebrew, and I'm already behind on a major refactor of `datatool`, so I certainly wouldn't have the time to look at it until after that...
That's a security feature. `bib2gls` honours TeX Live's `openin_any` and `openout_any` settings. It sounds like you have `openout_any` set to `p` which prohibits write access to paths outside the current...
Thank you. It looks as though `pdflatex` also allows `--output-directory` to be outside the current directory with `openout_any` and `openin_any` set to `p`. Presumably that needs to be treated as...
Thank you for the feedback. I'll have a look at it when I have time.
I'm sorry I've lost track of `bib2gls` for a bit. I think it may need different directory search paths for different types of files. - `bib` files may be in...
I think the problem may stem from a change in the TeX Parser Library, which is used to parse the `aux` files. I'll look into it.
It's possible the change in behaviour occurred when fixing issue #27. `--dir` was primarily intended to work with LaTeX's `--output-directory`. I think it needs another switch for changing the current...
> I'm not sure I am trying to change the current working directory? The bib files I am using are in the project root directory and `build` is the directory...