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Work in Progress: Utrecht Design System based on the NL Design System architecture. Storybook: https://nl-design-system.github.io/utrecht/storybook/

Results 271 utrecht issues
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Bumps [vue](https://github.com/vuejs/core) from 3.3.11 to 3.4.27. Release notes Sourced from vue's releases. v3.4.27 For stable releases, please refer to CHANGELOG.md for details. For pre-releases, please refer to CHANGELOG.md of the...


Issue link: https://github.com/orgs/frameless/projects/27/views/7?pane=issue&itemId=61446456 Figma link: https://www.figma.com/file/J8GosPQdIRzYgXiwB79gks/Formulieren-prototypes-(openForms)?type=design&node-id=254%3A21099&mode=design&t=KkAQ1yMm6whkwFBX-1

Bumps [@testing-library/dom](https://github.com/testing-library/dom-testing-library) from 8.20.1 to 10.1.0. Release notes Sourced from @​testing-library/dom's releases. v10.1.0 10.1.0 (2024-04-29) Features Add window events "pagehide" / "pageshow" (#1308) (56543d5) v10.0.0 10.0.0 (2024-04-08) Bug Fixes use...


Bumps [@commitlint/config-conventional](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/commitlint/tree/HEAD/@commitlint/config-conventional) from 17.8.1 to 19.2.2. Release notes Sourced from @​commitlint/config-conventional's releases. v19.2.2 19.2.2 (2024-04-14) Bug Fixes fix(is-ignored): ignore "amend!" commits by @​chalkygames123 in conventional-changelog/commitlint#4024 Chore Update circleci ci-setup.md by...


Bumps [JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action](https://github.com/jamesives/github-pages-deploy-action) from 4.5.0 to 4.6.0. Release notes Sourced from JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action's releases. v4.6.0 What's Changed Check for fatal on every line of stderr of the git command by @​ben-z in...


Bij de button is er nu gebruik gemaakt van `user-select: none` om te zorgen dat mensen op iPad (touchscreen) niet de button selecteren als ze bedoelen te klikken. gemeente Amsterdam...


`aria-busy` is bedoeld voor live regions om aankondigingen uit te stellen, niet voor buttons. Het maakt niets kapot, maar het is gewoon injuist gebruik en we moeten het niet adviseren.

**Context:** Tijdens het controleren van de VTH-site werd ontdekt dat de Accordeon-component het niet mogelijk maakt om door de inhoud te scrollen via het gebruik van de pijltjestoetsen omhoog en...
