django-bootstrap3-datetimepicker copied to clipboard
French l10n does not work
I'm a french guy too, and datetimepicker localization doesn't work for me too.
I'm using the picker without customization, and
<script type="text/javascript" src="/static/bootstrap3_datetime/js/locales/"></script>
seams loaded, but l10n does not appear in the page, stay in english.
I've tried to copy static/bootstrap3_datetime/js/locales/ to, but same issue.
Thanks for you great work !
I don't know if it helps, but I'm Italian, l10n works out of the box, having the system language configured properly, in
or equivalent:
USE_L10N = True
And simply put in your template {{ }}
, there's no need to specify js code.
Hi, I'm a french guy too :+1:
do you mean l18n or l10n .. ?? For me the l18n works like a charm .. ie: months are translated in french.
are your sure the javascript fr is properly loaded ? non http 404 response code