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Sample ESP32 snippets and code fragments
I have a simple application that I want to be able to start and stop advertising so that other devices are prevented from connecting when I don't want them too....
I am new to ESP32 BLE programming, I want to connect ESP32 BLE client to only one particular server, I have the server ble address and its charac UUID and...
Hi, Have someone written C++ class to do https get file from secured Http server piece by piece. either using libCurl or socket. Current RESTClient does not support get file....
someone has the examples of http get bin files and store to spiffs
I'm using an ESP32-DevKitC-32E platform. My core code is as follows: ```c++ class TemperatureCallback: public BLECharacteristicCallbacks { void onRead(BLECharacteristic *pCharacteristic) { uint16_t value; // Code goes here that obtains the...
Hello, is there a Bluetooth low energy solution? Now running Bluetooth alone requires 80-90ma consumption, how can it be smaller? `void setupBLE(String BLEName) { const char *ble_name = BLEName.c_str(); BLEDevice::init(ble_name);...
Hello, I'm having an issue with setting up my I2C 128x64 SSD1306 with ESP-IDF. When I first tried, the display didn't turn on at all, so I tested it with...
hi all I'm trying to develop a bluetooth network with one client and several servers, but they communicate with the client based on "notify". each server is connected to a...
Hi there :) I'm trying to disconnect my ble client from it server in order to connect it to another server. I would like to achieve this in the client...
Hi, and thanks a lot for all the work. Is it possible to choose a service before start the search ? In your client exemple you use : BLEUUID service("uuid");...