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Cant use GPIO, BLE HID doesnt work.
As simple as that, when i simulate it works good, but when i declare a pinMode and read it, the HID service doesnt work.
Thanks in advance.
@chegewara I know that im just answering myself but if anyone need this i made the workaround like this:
void onConnect(BLEServer* BLEservidor){
// Respuesta a error de post-emparejamiento ble
if(digitalRead(17) == 1) //NOT PAIR GPIO17 SHOULD BE 0; PAIR GPIO17 SHOULD BE 1;
BLEDescriptor *hid_desc = REPORT->getDescriptorByUUID(BLEUUID((uint16_t)0x2902));
uint8_t val[] = {0x01, 0x00};
hid_desc->setValue(val, 2);
device_connected = true;
Establishing a NO PAIR MODE (when pin17 == 0) and a PAIR MODE(when pin17==1). I dont have debug evidence but it seems in my case that when the device its NOT PAIR, the first time it connects doesnt recieve the HID Service well with the previous workaround. It will work perfectly when its already PAIR.