Neil Klepeis
Neil Klepeis
Hi! Wonderful Package! I noticed what may be a small bug where if there is a "dangling monday" for a given monthly calendar it seems to be plotted at the...
Hi, Fantastic visualization tool! I am pursuing the development of sunburst-type visualization that combines the coffee-wheel interactivity with areas mapped to node values (e.g., counts, time spent) as sunurstR and...
Avoid error: Warning: Error in <-: 'names' attribute [1] must be the same length as the vector [0]
New version of `getRequired_internal` function included below avoids the following error when "questions" is empty: ` Warning: Error in
Hi, I'm getting back into using the package and loving its features! It is so useful. I'm planning to put some live surveys on soon. Do you have plans...