cache-money copied to clipboard
repository delegated to @cache_config.repository, but @cache_config is nil
I've tried getting backgroundrb and background-fu going. Cache money seems to be getting in the way somehow - /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/nkallen-cache-money-0.2.5/lib/cash/config.rb:18:in `repository': repository delegated to @cache_config.repository, but @cache_config is nil: BdrbJobQueue(id: integer, args: binary, worker_name: string, worker_method: string, job_key: string, taken: integer, finished: integer, timeout: integer, priority: integer, submitted_at: datetime, started_at: datetime, finished_at: datetime, archived_at: datetime, tag: string, submitter_info: string, runner_info: string, worker_key: string, scheduled_at: datetime) (RuntimeError)
It did the same thing for background-fu's Job model too. I have absolutely no idea what is wrong with it.
I have the same issue with acts_as_taggable gem
I have the same issue when using delayed job.
I found a solution for this issue.
The thing is cache-money config file is loading after acts_as_taggable gem. So I placed "require File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "config", "initializers","cache_money.rb")" to begin of acts_as_taggable main file (lib/acts-as-taggable-on.rb) and it works!
I have same problem and solved because I am using active_record session store. Now I changed to memcached store as config.action_controller.session_store = :mem_cache_store in environment.rb file and working fine now.
@benone I was modified like you, but the other issue "stack level too deep" appeared
I was solution too. same as @benone's way, but you need use CacheMoney with plugins, not Gem
Yeah - it's a preloading issue - fixed in this branch: