Nicholas Tierney
Nicholas Tierney
Just wanted to add - I did a little test: > I was having some issues with serious lag (1-2 seconds, not constant, but randomly after it has been running...
Ah! Table captions belonging above the table was something I did not realise was the standard, I'm used to seeing them below the table. But maybe that's my own poor...
Hi Yihui, Perhaps your position is still the same, but I recently got this requirement from JSS for styling: > All captions should appear below the corresponding figure/table. The captions...
That's fair, Yihui. I'll try and take a look and submit a PR :)
Heya @apreshill :wave: Ah, the broken download link has been bothering me for a while! Thank you for this. Let's see how it goes. 😄
well this failed in a way I was not expecting: ``` 24.19s$ Rscript -e "bookdown::render_book('index.Rmd', 'bookdown::pdf_book', quiet = TRUE)" !!! Error: Ghostscript exited with error code 127! !!! Error:...
Ah, thanks for tracing that issue down, @apreshill :) Let's see how this one goes.
OK so removing the PDF build fixed it :tada: Next steps will be getting the PDF build working and the MOBI version as well.
Thanks, @yihui - it works for EPUB now, but it looks like PDF causes some issues still: 50% there though, thanks for your help, @yihui :)
Ack, sorry for that, @yihui, thanks for being a fresh pair of eyes. I'll more thoroughly read my travis build next time 🙂