Najko Jahn
Najko Jahn
Hi @francivita the Europe PMC API just returns 69 records: Seems like the API just returns refeferences with a PMID.
Hi @francivita Just a follow up. You can also make use of the DOI and query the Crossref API with the [ropensci/rcrossref]( package. Here is an example, which returns all...
Thank you for your question. You could make use of the following: ``` r library(europepmc) library(tidyverse) #> Warning: package 'tibble' was built under R version 4.1.1 #> Warning: package 'readr'...
Thanks for reporting this. I think the discrepancy is due to the synonym query expansion Europe PMC uses. When the synonym search is disabled in `epmc_search` using `synonym = FALSE`,...
Agreed, it is more sensible to return `NULL` and a message when no results are found. Will implement it.
@cstubben is now on master branch, hope, it works for you!
Hi @BryanTegomoh Please apologize my late reply. You could make use of the extensive Europe PMC search syntax to narrow down results to a specific date range. Europe PMC provides...
The `europepmc::epmc_details()` parses the `resulttype=core` format. E.g., to get MeSH terms for more than one record, try ``` r lapply(c("25730202", "25891958"), function(x) europepmc::epmc_details(x)$mesh_topic) ``` ``` r ## [[1]] ## majorTopic_YN...
Great. Will try to implement it for the upcoming version.
There is now an option that returns the core format in list form: ```r my_list List of 40 #> $ id : chr "27018849" #> $ source : chr "MED"...