Coolie icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Coolie copied to clipboard

Coolie(苦力) helps you to create models (& their constructors) from a JSON file.

Results 5 Coolie issues
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我用Coolie生成json的时候出现Not found valid token,No token for parseObject是什么原因?

OS X Version 10.11.6 (15G31) Xcode Version 7.3.1 (7D1014) 需要使用 `xcrun -sdk macosx swiftc Sources/*.swift -o coolie`

当传入值为null的时候。 使用苦力创建的代码,对应的类型为UnknownType? 此时无法识别类型,报错。 ~~烦请修正~~ 测试JSON `{ "location": null }` 产生的代码 struct Photo { let location: UnknownType? static func fromJSONDictionary(info: [String: AnyObject]) -> Photo? { let location = info["location"] as? UnknownType...