Lee Hughes
Lee Hughes
I'm have to stick with imagineering at the moment, because i have my hands full with a load of other stuff, modifying this code for any nix deployment tools should...
We using some tunnelling, I wonder if MTU or PMTU, or something to do with the GRE encapsulation sizes because we using a tunnel. Maybe worth researching.
I am a clown, that is telling people to disable ipv4. Without the help of the google network gods, i think were a bit stuck on this. I have every...
What you thinking on this, a script that converts facts/keys to ssh.nix or something? I maybe able to get the builds to fetch directly from github if need, and fall...
this might be an opportunity to move this builder over to the nix one , However, the nix one needs more testing.... maybe we can test it out and see...
Hello @tweak42 , https://openwrt.org/packages/start?q=rperf&do=search So it's going to be have to built and compiled into the image. However, it's says it supports 'linux', but doesn't mention anything about arm based...
https://www.comparitech.com/net-admin/snmpwalk-examples-windows-linux/ you can probably pull the raw data with this, even without the MIB it will look 'raw'. Which maybe enough to gleam the data for later processing. I've used...
A script on each AP to disassociate even or odd MAC Hardware addresses might be a crude way of getting clients to become sticky to certain AP's per room. If...
@kylerisse if this needs an older version of PHP in nix, then this https://github.com/fossar/nix-phps and https://discourse.nixos.org/t/local-dev-stack-for-php/26644 maybe helpful to you. nixpkgs repo tends to race ahead with versions of things,...
wow! it's so old that it not even supported in the old repo. yeah, that could work. Nix is very good at reproducing old pieces of software. So it might...