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Turn IP sockets into Unix domain sockets

Results 14 ip2unix issues
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```patch Index: ip2unix-2.1.4/src/dynports/dynports.cc =================================================================== --- ip2unix-2.1.4.orig/src/dynports/dynports.cc +++ ip2unix-2.1.4/src/dynports/dynports.cc @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only +#include #include #include #include ``` Otherwise it fails to compile with error: ``` src/dynports.cc:13:45: error:...

This was reported via email and it happens whenever an application places entries via eg. `__attribute__((constructor))` into the `.ctors` section. If the constructor then calls functions that we wrap, we...

`strace` output provided by @riedel in https://github.com/nixcloud/ip2unix/pull/13#issuecomment-635532573: > https://gist.github.com/riedel/043936e3c80da0f2607d48d8205d63e0#file-rsession-strace-L3960 My answer: > Okay, so the interesting part here is that it happens prior to executing `/bin/sh -c 'git "--version"'`, where...


This is a WIP branch to implement support for Mac OS X, which in *theory* should work since it has a similar mechanism (`DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES`) to `LD_PRELOAD` on GNU/Linux. Fundamental issues:...

help wanted

Currently, this only consists of a regression test but I haven't yet found a very good solution to address this problem. If we were to mainly tackle the `unlink` issue...


I'm trying to use `ip2unix` to make JetBrains Projector listen on a unix socket instead of an ip socket, as described in https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PRJ-278. I can put Projector behind an Envoy...


Right now, we only support IP addresses when matching connections, but for test environments it's very useful if we could directly match host names. To some extent, this is already...


Right now the [hash function](https://github.com/nixcloud/ip2unix/blob/84ea87c9d44f7009a87c019bdbb4508f58073e55/src/sockaddr.cc#L245-L267) uses strings to determine hash value. However, this is quite expensive and we can also do better in terms of avoiding collisions. While the port...

We already introduced deprecation warnings back in 49b889b03eb5e39f4fc348966a989567d58, telling people that we're going to remove YAML in version 3.0. With this, the removal is essentially done and we now no...

Abstract Unix domain sockets are a Linux extension, which allows to bind a socket to a name not bound to a particular file system path. While I personally don't have...