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nmap service and application version detection (without nmap installation)

========== nmap_vscan

nmap_vscan can finish Service and Application Version Detection without Nmap installation. It is not an official release from the Nmap Project.


  • Python 2.7
  • Works on Linux, Windows, Mac OSX, BSD


The quick way::

pip install nmap_vscan


Please download https://svn.nmap.org/nmap/nmap-service-probes at first.

>>> from nmap_vscan import vscan
>>> nmap = vscan.ServiceScan('./nmap-service-probes')

Let's try to scan HTTP, MYSQL, SSH, REDIS and so on.

>>> nmap.scan('www.apache.org', 80, "tcp")
{'match': {'pattern': '^HTTP/1\\.[01] \\d\\d\\d .*\\r\\nServer: Apache[/ ](\\d[-.\\w]+) ([^\\r\\n]+)',
  'versioninfo': {'cpename': ['apache:http_server:2.4.7'],
   'devicetype': [' v'],
   'hostname': [],
   'info': ['(Ubuntu)'],
   'operatingsystem': [],
   'vendorproductname': ['Apache httpd'],
   'version': ['2.4.7']}},
 'probe': {'probename': 'GetRequest',
  'probestring': 'GET / HTTP/1.0\\r\\n\\r\\n'}}

>>> nmap.scan('', 3306, 'tcp')
{'match': {'pattern': '^.\\0\\0\\0\\x0a(5\\.[-_~.+\\w]+)\\0',
  'versioninfo': {'cpename': ['mysql:mysql:5.5.28-log'],
   'hostname': [],
   'info': [],
   'operatingsystem': [],
   'vendorproductname': ['MySQL'],
   'version': ['5.5.28-log']}},
 'probe': {'probename': 'NULL', 'probestring': ''}}

>>> nmap.scan('', 6379, 'tcp')
{'match': {'pattern': '^\\$\\d+\\r\\n(?:#[^\\r\\n]*\\r\\n)*redis_version:([.\\d]+)\\r\\n',
  'versioninfo': {'cpename': [],
   'hostname': [],
   'info': [],
   'operatingsystem': [],
   'vendorproductname': ['Redis key-value store'],
   'version': ['2.6.12']}},
 'probe': {'probename': 'redis-server',
  'probestring': '*1\\r\\n$4\\r\\ninfo\\r\\n'}}


  • https://nmap.org/
  • https://nmap.org/book/vscan.html
  • https://nmap.org/book/vscan-fileformat.html
  • https://github.com/nmap/nmap/blob/master/service_scan.cc
  • https://svn.nmap.org/nmap/nmap-service-probes