naersk copied to clipboard
naersk rewrites `Cargo.toml` to something unparseable
I tried to install dylint
with these packages:
(naersk'.buildPackage {
root = dylint; # where `dylint` is a flake input pointing to `github:trailofbits/dylint/v2.0.12`
cargoBuildOptions = x: x ++ [ "-p" "cargo-dylint" ];
cargoTestOptions = x: x ++ [ "-p" "cargo-dylint" ];
(naersk'.buildPackage {
root = dylint;
cargoBuildOptions = x: x ++ [ "-p" "dylint-link" ];
cargoTestOptions = x: x ++ [ "-p" "dylint-link" ];
I get this error:
error: failed to parse manifest at `/build/dummy-src/Cargo.toml`
Caused by:
could not parse input as TOML
Caused by:
TOML parse error at line 3, column 39
3 | metadata = { dylint = { libraries = [ {"path":"examples/*/*"} ] } }
| ^
Unexpected `{`
Expected `]`
Indeed, TOML in dummy-src
looks like this:
members = [ "cargo-dylint", "dylint", "dylint-link", "internal", "utils/linting", "utils/testing" ]
metadata = { dylint = { libraries = [ {"path":"examples/*/*"} ] } }
While the actual TOML from the repo is correct:
# smoelius: `dylint_driver` is in its own workspace because it requires specific Rust components.
members = [
# "driver",
libraries = [
{ path = "examples/*/*" },
It seems like this is the bug: it’s incorrect to just toJSON
every val in list of attrs. The correct output should probably be
path = "examples/*/*"
I see - thanks for investigating, I'll try fixing it 🙂
As implementing full TOML serializer in Nix is complicated and further bugs may arise, maybe there is value in providing usePureToTOML = false;
option to use external TOML serializer?
I ran into this too:
assets = [
{ source = "target/release/xn--ts9h", dest = "/usr/bin/🥺", mode = "6755"},
{ source = "", dest = "/usr/share/doc/🥺/README", mode = "644", doc = true},
{ source = "LICENSE", dest = "/usr/share/doc/🥺/LICENSE", mode = "644", doc = true},
{ source = "🥺.8", dest = "/usr/share/man/man8/🥺.8", mode = "644", doc = true},
Amazingly the emoji is NOT the issue!
Chiming in to the issue train, this is preventing us from compiling Leptos (in a workspace):
## Workspace config
# The name used by wasm-bindgen/cargo-leptos for the JS/WASM bundle
name = "proto"
# Executable for the webserver
bin-package = "proto-web"
lib-package = "proto-front"
# ...
metadata = { leptos = [ {"assets-dir":"public","bin-default-features":false,"bin-features":["ssr"],"bin-package":"huawei-pro
to-web","browserquery":"defaults","end2end-cmd":"npx playwright test","env":"DEV","lib-default-features":false,"lib-features":["hydrate"],"
o-front/tailwind.css"} ] }
I'm relatively new to the codebase. Why are we having a rewriting of Cargo.toml
Why are we having a rewriting of
Naersk (and Crane as well, IIRC) have a two-step build process: first they build all of the dependencies (and cache the output), and later they build the actual application (utilizing prebuilt dependencies from the previous step); this allows for faster incremental rebuilds, since more frequently it's the user's application code that changes, not its dependencies.
This two-step approach requires generating a stripped version of the original Cargo.toml - i.e. if one is trying to build:
path = ""
/* something something */
... what Naersk builds first is just:
/* something something */
... i.e. without any [[bin]]
, [[example]]
I'll try to take a look some time this week, but for a hotfix, you can tell Naersk not to generate prebuilt dependencies:
naersk.buildPackage {
# ...
singleStep = true;
got this same issue when trying to package probe-rs:
inputs = {
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
naersk.url = "github:nix-community/naersk";
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
probe-rs = {
url = "github:probe-rs/probe-rs";
flake = false;
outputs = { self, flake-utils, naersk, nixpkgs, probe-rs }:
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system:
pkgs = (import nixpkgs) {
inherit system;
naersk' = pkgs.callPackage naersk {};
in rec {
# For `nix build` & `nix run`:
defaultPackage = naersk'.buildPackage {
src = probe-rs;
# For `nix develop`:
devShell = pkgs.mkShell {
nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [ rustc cargo ];
warning: updating lock file '/home/ada/Projects/probe-rs/flake.lock':
• Updated input 'probe-rs':
→ 'git+' (2023-07-05)
error: builder for '/nix/store/j2sbf0vbnyzlahkqm34jnazbhxcvjwb7-rust-workspace-deps-unknown.drv' failed with exit code 101;
last 10 log lines:
> Caused by:
> could not parse input as TOML
> Caused by:
> TOML parse error at line 97, column 64
> |
> 97 | metadata = { release = { "pre-release-replacements" = [ {"file":"../","replace":"## [Unreleased]\n\n## [{{version}}]\n\nReleased {{date}}","search":"## \\[Unreleased\\]"}, {"file":"../","replace":"[unreleased]:{{version}}...master\n[{{version}}]:$1...v{{version}}","search":"\\[unreleased\\]:[a-z0-9.-]+)\\.\\.\\.master"} ] } }
> | ^
> expected `.`, `=`
> [naersk] cargo returned with exit code 101, exiting
For full logs, run 'nix log /nix/store/j2sbf0vbnyzlahkqm34jnazbhxcvjwb7-rust-workspace-deps-unknown.drv'.
error: 1 dependencies of derivation '/nix/store/vwdgl4xpmj5k9cc2gbvsdhpc51g7baz0-rust-workspace-unknown.drv' failed to build