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bug: hyprlock and hypridle not working in NixOS with Home Manager

Open theurgi opened this issue 5 months ago • 8 comments

Are you following the right branch?

  • [X] My Nixpkgs and Home Manager versions are in sync

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • [X] I have searched the existing issues

Issue description

I'm having issues getting hyprlock and hypridle to work in my NixOS setup using Home Manager. I'm able to build the system without any errors and the packages are present in the Nix store, but the commands and services are not found, and no configuration is generated.

Potentially related issues:

  • https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/issues/5687
  • https://github.com/hyprwm/hyprlock/issues/450

What I've Tried:

  • Verified that the packages are in the Nix store
  • Checked for the presence of the commands using which
  • Attempted to start the services manually
  • Checked for configuration files in ~/.config/hypr/

System Information:

  • NixOS Version: 24.05
  • Home Manager Version: 24.05
  • Hyprland Version: 0.43.0

Service Status:

❯ systemctl --user list-unit-files | grep hypr
hyprpaper.service enabled enabled
xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland.service linked-runtime enabled
hyprland-session.target linked enabled

No Configs Generated:

❯ ls ~/.config/hypr                          
hyprland.conf  hyprland.conf.backup  hyprpaper.conf

Nix Store:

❯ ls /nix/store | rg -e '(hyprlock|hypridle)'


  • hyprlock.nix:
{config, ...}: let
  inherit (config.lib.stylix.colors) base00 base01 base05 base07;
in {
  programs.hyprlock = {
    enable = true;

    settings = {
      background = {
        path = "screenshot";

        blur_passes = 2;
        blur_size = 7;

        brightness = 0.8;
        contrast = 0.8;

        color = "${base00}99";

      input-field = {
        size = {
          width = 200;
          height = 50;

        outline_thickness = 3;
        dots_size = 0.33;
        dots_spacing = 0.15;
        dots_center = false;
        outer_color = "${base01}";
        inner_color = "${base07}";
        font_color = "${base00}";
        fade_on_empty = true;
        placeholder_text = "<i>Input Password...</i>";
        hide_input = false;
        position = {
          x = 0;
          y = -20;
        halign = "center";
        valign = "center";

      label = {
        text = "$TIME";
        color = "${base05}";
        font_size = 50;
        font_family = "Noto Sans";
        position = {
          x = 0;
          y = 80;
        halign = "center";
        valign = "center";
  • hypridle.nix:
  services.hypridle = {
    enable = true;

    settings = {
      general = {
        lock_cmd = "hyprlock";

        before_sleep_cmd = "hyprlock";
        after_sleep_cmd = "hyprctl dispatch dpms on";

      listener = [
          timeout = 600;
          on-timeout = "hyprlock";
          timeout = 900;
          on-timeout = "hyprctl dispatch dpms off";

          on-resume = "hyprctl dispatch dpms on";
          timeout = 1800;
          on-timeout = "systemctl suspend";

Maintainer CC

@khaneliman @fufexan

System information

- system: `"x86_64-linux"`
 - host os: `Linux 6.6.52, NixOS, 24.11 (Vicuna), 24.11.20240919.c04d565`
 - multi-user?: `yes`
 - sandbox: `yes`
 - version: `nix-env (Nix) 2.18.5`
 - nixpkgs: `/nix/store/hiasfhl8f5yy88hcfbr3s8s4bm63wsjw-source`

theurgi avatar Sep 27 '24 03:09 theurgi