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bug: programs.firefox settings don't apply when package = pkgs.firefox-devedition
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Issue description
I just spent several hours trying to configure Firefox because I couldn't get it to work with the package that I had picked. After successfully running out of options I changed the package to just pkgs.firefox and it started working as expected.
There are many errors around this so you can choose which one you want to look at.
For example the profiles don't work - when you start ff with a home-manager profile it tells you that the profile sux and it's not gonna load it and start.
Policies don't work - they just don't get applied.
Settings? forget about it.
Nothing works with that package.
Maintainer CC
No response
System information
- system: `"x86_64-linux"`
- host os: `Linux 6.1.63, NixOS, 24.05 (Uakari), 24.05.20231124.8b8c940`
- multi-user?: `yes`
- sandbox: `yes`
- version: `nix-env (Nix) 2.18.1`
- channels(root): `"home-manager-23.05.tar.gz, nixos-23.05"`
- channels(ivand): `"nixos"`
- nixpkgs: `/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/nixos`
I'm having the same issue with my custom firefox-unwrapped, some times ago the extraPolicies were applied but right now they are just ignored for some reason
I stumbled upon the fact that, for devedition, you need to prefix the profile name(or path?) with dev-edition
for it to work:
programs.firefox = {
package = pkgs.firefox-devedition;
profiles = {
dev-edition-main = {
isDefault = true;
settings = {
"browser.aboutConfig.showWarning" = false;
For me naming the profile dev-edition-main didn't work (even with applying isDefault = true on the profile), but naming it dev-edition-default works.
programs.firefox = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.firefox-devedition;
profiles = {
dev-edition-default = {
settings = {
"browser.aboutConfig.showWarning" = false;
Some side notes: while testing this, I always deleted ~/.mozilla and made sure nix would correctly symlink home manager built files to ~/.mozilla by rebuilding with firefox disabled, then rebuilding with firefox enabled. This way, when firefox didn't like the config, instead of ignoring it and loading the previous/default profile, it crashed with the error "Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessible."
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- If you know how to solve the issue, please consider submitting a Pull Request that addresses this issue.
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