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Android library that connects ViewPager fragments with Google Maps markers.

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Android library that connects ViewPager fragments with Google Maps markers.

screenshot screenshot

Check out the sample apk !


  • Not fully tested yet, but it works perfectly on my Nexus 5 running Marshmallow.
  • Only and SupportMapFragment supported right now.
  • It is my first Android lib. Tips, suggestions and requests are all welcome.


  • Supports any amount of markers per fragment.
  • Default camera position (for fragments with 0 or more than 1 markers) automatically calculated.



dependencies {
    compile ''
    compile ''
    compile 'com.github.nitrico.mapviewpager:mapviewpager:1.0.0'


Don't forget to add the right permissions and your Google Maps API key to your AndroidManifest.xml file.

Create a ViewPager adapter extending from MapViewPager.Adapter or MapViewPager.MultiAdapter and override method CameraPosition getCameraPosition(int position) or List<CameraPosition> getCameraPositions(int position) returning the markers camera position for each fragment.

To create a CameraPosition: CameraPosition.fromLatLngZoom(new LatLng(latitude, longitude), zoom);

Include the view in your xml layout

        app:mapOffset="56dp" />

Find the view in your activity and then call mapViewPager.start(this, adapter) or mapViewPager.start(this, adapter, callback) passing the AppCompatActivity (or FragmentActivity) and MapViewPager.Adapter (or MapViewPager.MultiAdapter) instances. You can also pass a MapViewPager.Callback instance to get notified when the GoogleMap object is created and working.


If you want more control on how to display the map and the ViewPager, for example to overlap each other, you can add a <> and a <fragment class=""> to your activity layout and then and pass them to create the MapViewPager object using the MapViewPager.Builder class:

MapViewPager mvp = new MapViewPager.Builder(this) // this is Context
        .mapFragment(mapFragment)                 // mapFragment is SupportMapFragment
        .viewPager(viewPager)                     // viewPager is ViewPager
        .adapter(adapter)                         // adapter is MapViewPager.Adapter or MapViewPager.MultiAdapter
        .position(initialPosition)                // Optional initialPosition is int     
        .callback(callback)                       // Optional callback is MapViewPager.Callback
        .markersAlpha(alpha)                      // Optional
        .mapPadding(left, top, right, bottom)     // Optional
        .mapOffset(offset)                        // Optional

Remember that mapFragment is a Fragment, not a View! To find it: mapFragment = (SupportMapFragment) activity.getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;

Check the examples in the sample folder.


XML attributes

They are all optional.

Attribute Format Default Description
viewPagerWeight integer 1 Weight of the viewpager in the layout
mapWeight integer 1 Weight of the map in the layout
mapGravity integer (0..3) 1 Position of the map in the layout: 0=left, 1=top, 2=right, 3=bottom
mapOffset dimension 32dp Map padding for multiple markers on the map
mapPaddingLeft dimension 0dp Left map padding
mapPaddingTop dimension 0dp Top map padding
mapPaddingRight dimension 0dp Right map padding
mapPaddingBottom dimension 0dp Bottom map padding
markersAlpha float (0..1) 0.4 Opacity of markers when deactivated

Public methods

void start(@NonNull FragmentActivity activity,
           @NonNull MapViewPager.AbsAdapter mapAdapter)
void start(@NonNull FragmentActivity activity,
           @NonNull MapViewPager.AbsAdapter mapAdapter,
           @Nullable MapViewPager.Callback callback)
void start(@NonNull FragmentActivity activity,
           @NonNull MapViewPager.AbsAdapter mapAdapter,
           int initialPosition) 
void start(@NonNull FragmentActivity activity, 
           @NonNull MapViewPager.AbsAdapter mapAdapter,
           int initialPosition,
           @Nullable MapViewPager.Callback callback)

GoogleMap getMap()
SupportMapFragment getMapFragment()
ViewPager getViewPager() 
CameraUpdate getDefaultPosition()

// when adapter extends MapViewPager.Adapter
Marker getMarker(int position)
List<Marker> getMarkers()

// when adapter extends MapViewPager.MultiAdapter
Marker getMarker(int page, int position)
List<Marker> getMarkers(int page) 
List<List<Marker>> getAllMarkers()
CameraUpdate getDefaultPosition(int page) 
List<CameraUpdate> getDefaultPositions()

Warning! In order to avoid NullPointerExceptions when calling any of those getters before the actual GoogleMap object is created, you should use them only after onMapViewPagerReady() method in the callback is called.

To override in MapViewPager.Callback effective classes

void onMapViewPagerReady()

To override in MapViewPager.Adapter effective classes

CameraPosition getCameraPosition(int position)

To override in MapViewPager.MultiAdapter effective classes

List<CameraPosition> getCameraPositions(int page)
String getMarkerTitle(int page, int position)

Both adapters extends from FragmentStatePagerAdapter, so you also need to override

CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) // this will be used as marker title in MapViewPager.Adapter
Fragment getItem(int position)
int getCount()


Miguel Ángel Moreno

I'm available to be hired, Contact me!

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Copyright 2016 Miguel Ángel Moreno

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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