
Results 4 comments of nitha26

Thanks, Tobias for answering. But still, I need more information. 1) Yes, I had seen in README. But my question is Why this **-f germline filter option** is applied **only**...

@tobiasrausch, after merging SVsites (2nd step delly merge) and performed **genotyping** (3rd step) for 320 samples by following command ``delly call -g GRCh38.fa -v 320samples_sites.bcf -o "+a[int]+".geno.bcf -x human.hg38.excl.tsv "+a[int]+".cram"``...

I am also facing issue similar to @terrycojones ``$ npm install --global``. How to solve this and install auspice in centos7 machine. Thanks.

The above issue is fixed by downloading separately ``htslib`` and moving to ``lib``and running ``make`` command.