schematics-utilities copied to clipboard
addDeclarationToModule says "UPDATE" but the update does not occur
I have written the following code by peeking into the angular/schematics/component/index.js code
const declarationChanges = addDeclarationToModule(sourceFile, newLocal, `List${strings.classify(}Component`, `./components/general-configuration/${dasherize(}/list/list-${dasherize(}.component`);
const declarationRecorder = tree.beginUpdate(newLocal);
for (const change of declarationChanges) {
if (change instanceof InsertChange) {;
declarationRecorder.insertLeft(change.pos, change.toAdd);
I get the following output
UPDATE src/app/app.module.ts (1959 bytes)
but the file still has no changes in it. Any idea what's going wrong here ?
I have imported same function from @schematics/angular instead of schematics-utilities and now its working.
import {
} from "@schematics/angular/utility/ast-utils";
@dipaktelangre That is a better way to do it.
Although, I found a work around which is to explicitly cast change into InsertChange and then the changes occur,
@raul1991 It would have been better if shared working code here.
must be on the edge of things. I can't find a single working/modern example of using @schematics/angular/utility/ast-utils#addImportToModule
Will share how I did it in a while till then read the above article.
@dipaktelangre I don't know if this still helps or not but I totally forgot about this issue.
Here is how I did it.
function addProviders(tree: Tree, _options: Schema): Tree {
const routerModule = PATH_TO_ROUTE_CONFIG_FILE;
const source = parser.readAsSourceFile(routerModule);
const providerLiteral = `,\n\t\t${classify(}Service`;
// find the providers array todo: correct this
const providers = findNodes(source, ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier).filter(n => n.getText() === 'providers');
const changes = insertAfterLastOccurrence(providers.pop()?.parent?.getChildren()!, providerLiteral, routerModule, 0, ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier);
// const changes = addProviderToModule(source, routerModule,, provider.path);
const declarationRecorder = tree.beginUpdate(routerModule);
declarationRecorder.insertLeft((<InsertChange>changes).pos, (<InsertChange>changes).toAdd);
// add imports
const imports = `\nimport { ${}Service } from '../services/entities/${dasherize(}.service';\n`
const importChange = <InsertChange>insertAfterLastOccurrence(source.getChildren(), imports, PATH_TO_ROUTE_CONFIG_FILE, 0, ts.SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration);
const importRecorder = tree.beginUpdate(PATH_TO_ROUTE_CONFIG_FILE);
importRecorder.insertLeft(importChange.pos, importChange.toAdd);
return tree;
The important part is that I am casting the change in Insert change because that is how it was coming to be ALWAYS! Its still fragile but worked for me.