npoi icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
npoi copied to clipboard

a .NET library that can read/write Office formats without Microsoft Office installed. No COM+, no interop.

Results 172 npoi issues
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Hello, I work on the .NET Libraries team, and I saw that this library has a lot of usage in the community and depends on System.Drawing.Common for xplat scenarios. We...


There was AutoSizeColumn method, that adjusts width of the column to fit it's contents, but no such method to adjust the height of the row. This change implements such a...

BUG:when match_type=1 and matching number, cannot be matched if the range contains empty cell。

Limit of 3 rules does not exist anymore since Office 2007.

NPOI version: 2.5.6 Reproduce: 测试如下图1,B2:B17共享公式,当执行ShiftRows 1行B2共享公式范围应更新为"B3:B18",B2本身的CT_CellFormula更新了(图2),而sharedFormulas中未进行对应的更新(图3),导致公式计算错误。 ![image]( [图1] ![image]( [图2] ![image]( [图3] Test case: ``` csharp static void Main(string[] args) { string filename = "C:/test_case.xlsx"; var bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(filename); IWorkbook...


npoi版本:2.56 如下代码: ![QQ截图20220720152153]( ![QQ截图20220720152130]( 效果图:我想要的目的是合并第一列的第一行到第三行,但是他给我合并了四行 ![image]( ![image](


I noticed that whenever a document is saved with NPOI, I noticed the document saves in Compatiblity mode. This is an issue for me since the Word document to PDF...


If you have more than one column group in excel and choose to size (manually or via `sheet.AutoSizeColumn` your columns it collapses all but the last column group, and `sheet.SetColumnGroupCollapsed`...


随便在一个Word 2007 .docx文件内新建一个简单表格,并在 0 行 0列的单元格内键入 “X1" 作为被替换内容的占位符。 此时,我要替换的内容是 "Φ219.1*7.65” 的字符串。 `// 读文件 MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); // 第一个文件读取 using (var fs = File.OpenRead(sourcePath)) { fs.CopyTo(ms); ms.Position = 0;...


I am using NPOI 2.5.5 and found that using countifs in a cell, and evaluating the cell, I receive back the result of the lowest count matching criteria. The following...
