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Stencil Storybook Wrapper

This module provides a wrapper to interoperate stencil created app with storybook.

It works by hooking into the stencil dev server during development, listenig to the websocket during HMR(Hot Module Replacement) and showing the errors or reloading the stencil generated resources.

During production builds for storybook, the output of the stencil build is moved to the storybook-static folder and resources requests updated so that the storybook can be deployed.


Using this with a stencil project already modifed by you could lead to un-necessary side effects.


Create a stencil project of the type component using the getting started docs.


Install it globally

$ npm i -g stencil-storybook-wrapper
$ cd my-awesome-stencil-app
$ stencil-storybook-wrapper


Use it via NPX

$ cd my-awesome-stencil-app
npx stencil-storybook-wrapper


Start Storybook

$ npm run start

Build Stencil & Storybook

  • Stencil built to dist folder
  • Storybook built to storybook-static folder
$ npm run build

Create component

The wrapper adds a tiny plopjs component generator which can be used to create new stencil components. Components created by the generator have all the necessary scaffolding and story file to get to started.

$ npm run generate

and follow the instructions. Modify the plopfile.js and the add/update plop/templates to create atoms, molecules or organism type components.

Build Stencil

  • Storybook built to storybook-static folder
$ npm run build:stencil

The following npm scrips are added to your package.json

    // Delete output folders
    "clean": "del-cli dist storybook-static",
    // Build stencil and storybook
    "build": "npm-run-all clean build:stencil build:storybook",
    // Build only stencil components
    "build:stencil": "STENCIL_ENV=prod stencil build --docs",
    // Build only storybook
    // Always use this after `build:stencil`
    "build:storybook": "build-storybook",

    // Start the dev server for both stencil and storybook
    "start": "npm-run-all --parallel stencil storybook",

    // Start only stencil dev server
    "stencil": "cross-env STENCIL_ENV=dev stencil build --dev --watch --serve --docs",
    // Start only storybook dev server
    // Always use this after `stencil`
    "storybook": "start-storybook -p 6007 -s ./stencil-utilities/public-assets",

    // Run initial build before starting the dev server
    // Needed for readme addon
    "prestart": "npm run build:stencil",

    // Component generator for stencil components
    "generate": "plop"

Configure Stencil Dev Server

The wrapper adds a dev server config object to the package.json file. You can use it to configure how the dev server launches.

"stencil": {
    // The protocol used by the dev server
    "protocol": "http",
    // The host or IP address
    "host": "localhost",
    // The port where the dev server is launched
    "port": 3333,
    // The buildDir as per
    "buildDir": "build"

Please raise any issues you have while using this wrapper. Any help would also be appreciated.

More updates to come...